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Missing ognl?

Published by marco on

This article was originally published on the Encodo Blogs. Browse on over to see more!

Every once in a while, when adding a new component to or changing an existing one on a Tapestry page, you’ll make a mistake. Most of the time, the exception handler page is pretty good; sometimes the exception can be quite confusing. For example, suppose we have a custom component with a single property:

package com.encodo.blogs.samples;

class CustomComponent extends BaseComponent {
  public abstract SomeObject getCustomParameter();

To use this component in a page, you just write the following:

<span jwcid="@CustomComponent" customParameter="obj"/>

This looks ok[1], but when loaded in a browser causes the following error:

org.apache.tapestry.BindingException Error converting value for template parameter customParameter: No type converter for type com.encodo.blogs.samples.SomeObject is available.

With this kind of error message, you’re ready to start imagining all sorts of horrible things:

  • Is something declared with the wrong type? No … there’s no type declaration for properties; Tapestry reads the type from the class field.
  • Is there a data squeezer problem? Is this class not supported? Does it need to be Serializable?
  • Is Tapestry trying to store persist the property to the session or cookie? Not likely, but who knows?

The missing magic in the above example is ognl:. Tapestry uses the Object-Graph Navigation Language to process references to Java code in its templates and page/component definitions. However, the default for HTML attributes is literal:, which performs no extra processing. Since ognl: is missing, obj is simply a string, which Tapestry cannot convert to SomeObject. To fix the problem, just add ognl: before the object reference, like this:

<span jwcid="@CustomComponent" customParameter="ognl:obj"/>

This being such a common error, it would be nice if Tapestry could do some common-sense handling of it to help emit a better message. One simple way is to specify what, exactly, it was trying to convert to the target object. Compare to the following error message:

org.apache.tapestry.BindingException Error converting “obj” (interpreted as “literal:obj”) for template parameter customParameter: No type converter for type com.encodo.blogs.samples.SomeObject is available.

Once the developer sees how Tapestry interpreted the component declaration, it’s much easier to pinpoint the error. Now, for purely asthetic reasons, let’s make this message more user-friendly:

org.apache.tapestry.BindingException: The value for template parameter “customParameter”, given as “obj” and interpreted as “literal:obj”, could not be converted to com.encodo.blogs.samples.SomeObject.

That error message, at least, should no longer inspire panic and desperate restarts of the testing server.

[1] Unless you’re an old Tapestry hand and have already spotted the error, in which case you should be writing these tips, not reading them.

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