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Cocoa Finder, Please

Published by marco on

For we Mac-users still stuck in a pre-”Snow Leopard” world, the occasional glitches in the Finder still rear their ugly heads from time to time. Sometime over the summer, my system got its panties into a bunch to such a degree that, though the system was not technically crashed or unusable (or potentially rescue-able), it was just easier to kill it and reboot. Upon reboot, I was greeted with a “something awful seems to have happened; could you tell us what you were doing when it all went wrong?” message. I chose to tell Apple the truth and wrote them the following; I wonder if anyone actually reads those things?

“Apparently, copying files from an external USB drive to a networked USB drive is still, in 2009, an exclusive task. Clicking on another folder on the networked drive turned out to be such a huge, punishing no-no that I was forced—after more than ten minutes of desperate fiddling—to kill the OS entirely. The OS would no longer properly relaunch the Finder, being entirely too preoccupied with endlessly notifying me that my networked drive was no longer available to do much of anything else.

“Cocoa Finder, please.”

And, lo and behold, in just a few short months, Apple brought out Snow Leopard and addressed my problem. Wow, talk about service.