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Attention America: How to Pronounce a Certain German Propagandist’s Name

Published by marco on

Dear American Media, Political Talking Heads and Wonks of all Stripes,

If you’re going to insist on calling each other Nazis all the damned time, fine. I don’t even care that the shoe almost never fits.

But, if you’re going to invoke the dreaded Herr Göbbels (Wikpedia), at least pronounce his name correctly.

Take a close look, morons: that’s an umlaut, not an ‘r’.

While it’s inspiring that you actually manage the umlaut correctly, it’s a complete mystery why you all insist on adding an ‘r’ after it.

Knock it off. Now.

Or just use Hermann Göring (Wikipedia) instead: he, too, was a nasty piece of work. Though he wasn’t strictly a propagandist, your audience doesn’t even know you’re mispronouncing Göbbels’s name, so who the f&%k cares? They’re Americans; it’s not like they’re strong in historical figures. At least Hermann’s name has an ‘r’ in it.