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Quino v3.0: Metadata builders and code-generation improvements

Published by marco on

The summary below describes major new features, items of note and breaking changes. The full list of issues is also available for those with access to the Encodo issue tracker.


Breaking changes

  • IDataSession and IApplication now directly implement the IServiceRequestHandler and helper methods that used to extend IApplication now extend this interface instead, so calls like GetModel() can now be executed against an IApplication or an IDataSession. Many methods have been moved out of the IServiceRequestHandler interface to extension methods declared in the Encodo.IOC namespace. This move will require applications to update the usings. ReSharper will automatically find the correct namespace and apply it for you.
  • Similarly, the extension method ApplicationExtensions.GetInstance() has been replaced with a direct implementation of the IServiceRequestHandler by IApplication.
  • MetaBuilder.Include() has been replaced with Dependencies.Include()
  • When you call the new version of CreateModel(), you can no longer call CreateMainModule() because the main module is set up automatically. Although the call is marked as obsolete, it can only be combined with the older overload of the CreateModel(). Using it with the newer overload will cause a runtime error as the main module is added to the model twice.
  • The various methods to create paths with the MetaBuilder have been replaced by AddPath(). To rewrite a path, use the following style:

      path => path.SetMetaId(new Guid("…")).SetDeleteRule(MetaPathRule.Cascade),
      idx => idx.SetMetaId(new Guid("…"))