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ABD: Improving the Aspect-modeling API for Quino

Published by marco on


We discussed ABD in a recent article ABD: Refactoring and refining an API. To cite from that article,

“[…] the most important part of code is to think about how you’re writing it and what you’re building. You shouldn’t write a single line without thinking of the myriad ways in which it must fit into existing code and the established patterns and practices.”

With that in mind, I saw another teaching opportunity this week and wrote up my experience designing an improvement to an existing API.


Before we write any code, we should know what we’re doing.[1]

  • We use aspects (IMetaAspects) in Quino to add domain-specific metadata (e.g. the IVisibleAspect controls element visibility)
  • Suppose we have such an aspect with properties A1…AN. When we set property A1 to a new value, we want to retain the values of properties A2…AN (i.e. we don’t want to discard previously set values)
  • The current pattern is to call FindOrAddAspect(). This method does what it advertises: If an aspect with the requested type already exists, it is returned; otherwise, an instance of that type is created, added and returned. The caller gets an instance of the requested type (e.g. IVisibleAspect).
  • Any properties on the requested type that you want to change must have setters.
  • If the requested type is an interface, then we end up defining our interface as mutable.
  • Other than when building the metadata, every other use of these interfaces should not make changes.
  • We would like to be able to define the interface as read-only (no setters) and make the implementation mutable (has setters). Code that builds the metadata uses both the interface and the implementation type.

Although we’re dealing concretely with aspects in Quino metadata, the pattern and techniques outlined below apply equally well to other, similar domains.

The current API

A good example is the IClassCacheAspect. It exposes five properties, four of which are read-only. You can modify the property (OrderOfMagnitude) through the interface. This is already not good, as we are forced to work with the implementation type in order to change any property other than OrderOfMagnitude.

The current way to address this issue would be to make all of the properties settable on the interface. Then we could use the FindOrAddAspect() method with the IClassCacheAspect. For example,

var cacheAspect = 
    () => new ClassCacheAspect()
cacheAspect.OrderOfMagnitude = 7;
cacheAspect.Capacity = 1000;

For comparison, if the caller were simply creating the aspect instead of getting a possibly-already-existing version, then it would just use an object initializer.

var cacheAspect = Element.Classes.Person.Aspects.Add(
  new ClassCacheAspect()
    OrderOfMagnitude = 7;
    Capacity = 1000;

This works nicely for creating the initial aspect. But it causes an error if an aspect of that type had already been added. Can we design a single method with all the advantages?

The new API

A good way to approach a new is to ask: How would we want the method to look if we were calling it?

  a =>
    a.OrderOfMagnitude = 7;
    a.Capacity = 1000;

If we only want to change a single property, we can use a one-liner:

Element.Classes.Person.SetCacheAspectValues(a => a.Capacity = 1000);

Nice. That’s even cleaner and has fewer explicit dependencies than creating the aspect ourselves.

Making it work for one aspect type

Now that we know what we want the API to look like, let’s see if it’s possible to provide it. We request an interface from the list of aspects but want to use an implementation to set properties. The caller has to indicate how to create the instance if it doesn’t already exist, but what if it does exist? We can’t just upcast it because there is no guarantee that the existing aspect is the same implementation.

These are relatively lightweight objects and the requirement above is that the property values on the existing aspect are set on the returned aspect, not that the existing aspect is preserved.

What if we just provided a mechanism for copying properties from an existing aspect onto the new version?

var cacheAspect = new ClassCacheAspect();
var existingCacheAspect =
if (existingCacheAspect != null)
  result.OrderOfMagnitude = existingAspect.OrderOfMagnitude;
  result.Capacity = existingAspect.Capacity;
  // Set all other properties

// Set custom values
cacheAspect.OrderOfMagnitude = 7;
cacheAspect.Capacity = 1000;

This code does exactly what we want and doesn’t require any setters on the interface properties. Let’s pack this away into the API we defined above. The extension method is:

public static ClassCacheAspect SetCacheAspectValues(
  this IMetaClass metaClass,
  Action<ClassCacheAspect> setValues)
  var result = new ClassCacheAspect();
  var existingCacheAspect =
  if (existingCacheAspect != null)
    result.OrderOfMagnitude = existingAspect.OrderOfMagnitude;
    result.Capacity = existingAspect.Capacity;
    // Set all other properties


  return result;

So that takes care of the boilerplate for the IClassCacheAspect. It hard-codes the implementation to ClassCacheAspect, but let’s see how big a restriction that is once we’ve generalized below.

Generalize the aspect type

We want to see if we can do anything about generalizing SetCacheAspectValues() to work for other aspects.

Let’s first extract the main body of logic and generalize the aspects.

public static TConcrete SetAspectValues<TService, TConcrete>(
  this IMetaClass metaClass,
  Action<TConcrete, TService> copyValues,
  Action<TConcrete> setValues
  where TConcrete : new, TService
  where TService : IMetaAspect
  var result = new TConcrete();
  var existingAspect = metaClass.Aspects.FirstOfTypeOrDefault<TService>();
  if (existingAspect != null)
    copyValues(result, existingAspect);


  return result;

Remove constructor restriction

This isn’t bad, but we’ve required that the TConcrete parameter implement a default constructor. Instead, we could require an additional parameter for creating the new aspect.

public static TConcrete SetAspectValues<TService, TConcrete>(
  this IMetaClass metaClass,
  Func<TConcrete> createAspect,
  Action<TConcrete, TService> copyValues,
  Action<TConcrete> setValues
  where TConcrete : TService
  where TService : IMetaAspect
  var result = createAspect();
  var existingAspect = metaClass.Aspects.FirstOfTypeOrDefault<TService>();
  if (existingAspect != null)
    copyValues(result, existingAspect);


  return result;

Just pass in the new aspect to use

Wait, wait, wait. We not only don’t need to the new generic constraint, we also don’t need the createAspect lambda parameter, do we? Can’t we just pass in the object instead of passing in a lambda to create the object and then calling it immediately?

public static TConcrete SetAspectValues<TService, TConcrete>(
  this IMetaClass metaClass,
  TConcrete aspect,
  Action<TConcrete, TService> copyValues,
  Action<TConcrete> setValues
  where TConcrete : TService
  where TService : IMetaAspect
  var existingAspect = metaClass.Aspects.FirstOfTypeOrDefault<TService>();
  if (existingAspect != null)
    copyValues(aspect, existingAspect);


  return aspect;

That’s a bit more logical and intuitive, I think.

Redefine original method

We can now redefine our original method in terms of this one:

public static ClassCacheAspect SetAspectValues(
  this IMetaClass metaClass,
  Action<ClassCacheAspect> setValues)
  return metaClass.UpdateAspect(
    new ClassCacheAspect(),
    (aspect, existingAspect) =>
      result.OrderOfMagnitude = existingAspect.OrderOfMagnitude;
      result.Capacity = existingAspect.Capacity;
      // Set all other properties

Generalize copying values

Can we somehow generalize the copying behavior? We could make a wrapper that expects an interface on the TService that would allow us to call CopyFrom(existingAspect).

public static TConcrete SetAspectValues<TService, TConcrete>(
  this IMetaClass metaClass,
  TConcrete aspect,
  Action<TConcrete> setValues
  where TConcrete : TService, ICopyTarget
  where TService : IMetaAspect
  return metaClass.UpdateAspect<TService, TConcrete>(
    (aspect, existingAspect) => aspect.CopyFrom(existingAspect),

What does the ICopyTarget interface look like?

public interface ICopyTarget
  void CopyFrom(object other);

This is going to lead to type-casting code at the start of every implementation to make sure that the other object is the right type. We can avoid that by using a generic type parameter instead.

public interface ICopyTarget<T>
  void CopyFrom(T other);

That’s better. How would we use it? Here’s the definition for ClassCacheAspect:

public class ClassCacheAspect : IClassCacheAspect, ICopyTarget<IClassCacheAspect>
  public void CopyFrom(IClassCacheAspect otherAspect)
    OrderOfMagnitude = otherAspect.OrderOfMagnitude;
    Capacity = otherAspect.Capacity;
    // Set all other properties

Since the final version of ICopyTarget has a generic type parameter, we need to adjust the extension method. But that’s not a problem because we already have the required generic type parameter in the outer method.

public static TConcrete SetAspectValues<TService, TConcrete>(
  this IMetaClass metaClass,
  TConcrete aspect,
  Action<TConcrete> setValues
  where TConcrete : TService, ICopyTarget<TService>
  where TService : IMetaAspect
  return metaClass.UpdateAspect(
    (aspect, existingAspect) => aspect.CopyFrom(existingAspect),

Final implementation

Assuming that the implementation of ClassCacheAspect implements ICopyTarget as shown above, then we can rewrite the cache-specific extension method to use the new extension method for ICopyTargets.

public static ClassCacheAspect SetCacheAspectValues(
  this IMetaClass metaClass,
  Action<ClassCacheAspect> setValues)
  return metaClass.UpdateAspect<IClassCacheAspect, ClassCacheAspect>(
    new ClassCacheAspect(),

This is an extension method, so any caller that wants to use its own IClassCacheAspect could just copy/paste this one line of code and use its own aspect.


This is actually pretty neat and clean:

  • We have a pattern where all properties on the interface are read-only
  • We have a pattern where an aspect can indicate how its values are to be copied from another instance. This is basically boilerplate, but must be written only once per aspect—and it can be located right in the implementation itself rather than in an extension method.
  • A caller building metadata passes in a single lambda to set values. Existing values are handled automatically.
  • Adding support for more aspects is straightforward and involves very little boilerplate.

[1] You would think that would be axiomatic. You’d be surprised.


3 Replies

#1 − Nice article but …

Marc (updated by Marc)

… what about replacing the aspect implementation with another one? DI came in my mind when reading this article. What about using a IoC container for construction? Maybe with constructor injection?

Cheers, Marc

#2 − IOC Overkill?


I suppose you could do that as well, although we currently don’t have the IOC involved in creating metadata. Almost everything is a helper method to make it easier and quicker to create metadata—if you don’t like the way the helper method works, then just write your own helper method. We’ve been slowly but surely getting rid of larger extension/helper methods, so passing in an IOC so that it can create the aspect seems kind of like overkill.

You can either just write your own extension method, like so:

public static ClassCacheAspect SetSuperCacheAspectValues(
  this IMetaClass metaClass,
  Action<ClassCacheAspect> setValues)
  return metaClass.UpdateAspect<IClassCacheAspect, ClassCacheAspect>(
    new SuperClassCacheAspect(),

We can call this as follows:

Elements.Classes.Person.SetSuperCacheAspectValues(a => a.Capacity = 1000);

If I go the IOC route, then I would make the base helper method accept another parameter (I guess?). This is kind of neat, and would let me push the machinery for creating a new aspect down to the next-level methods.

The method that works with aspects that implement ICopyTarget looks like this:

public static TConcrete SetAspectValues<TService, TConcrete>(
  this IMetaClass metaClass,
  IServiceRequestHandler handler,
  Action<TConcrete> setValues
  where TConcrete : TService, ICopyTarget<TService>
  where TService : IMetaAspect
  return metaClass.UpdateAspect<TService, TConcrete>(
    (aspect, existingAspect) => aspect.CopyFrom(existingAspect),

The fully generalized one that has no expectations of the aspect actually creates the aspect using the IOC.

public static TConcrete SetAspectValues<TService, TConcrete>(
  this IMetaClass metaClass,
  IServiceRequestHandler handler,
  Action<TConcrete, TService> copyValues,
  Action<TConcrete> setValues
  where TConcrete : TService
  where TService : IMetaAspect
  var aspect = handler.GetInstance<TConcrete>();
  var existingAspect = metaClass.Aspects.FirstOfTypeOrDefault<TService>();
  if (existingAspect != null)
    copyValues(aspect, existingAspect);


  return aspect;

And, finally, the caching-specific method looks like this:

public static ClassCacheAspect SetCacheAspectValues(
  this IMetaClass metaClass,
  IServiceRequestHandler handler,
  Action<ClassCacheAspect> setValues)
  return metaClass.UpdateAspect<IClassCacheAspect, ClassCacheAspect>(

Now I don’t have to ever call new for an aspect, but I have to pass in the handler, every single time.

Elements.Classes.Person.SetSuperCacheAspectValues(handler, a => a.Capacity = 1000);

I would have to make sure that the handler (IOC) was available during metadata construction (which it generally isn’t, but could be, via constructor injection on the metadata builder class, e.g.)

I think this is a matter of preference, but given how small the chance is that I would want a different cache aspect to be created—and how easy it is to make my own helper method—then I would opt not to use the IOC, just so I don’t force all callers to (A) have a reference to an IOC around and (B) have an extra parameter that isn’t needed in 99.9% of the cases.

Although, since these are helper methods, there’s nothing stopping anyone from creating the methods I outlined above and using that pattern instead. Perfectly valid to use the IOC there, but a bit uglier to get it down to where it can be used.

#3 − Got it


You’re right. Didn’t thougt about just removing a aspect and adding your own implementation. Way easier then using a IoC container.

I don’t like passing around the container anyway as it hides code-dependencies. I once was told folks even call it an anti-pattern. Eg this guy: http://blog.ploeh.dk/2010/02/03/ServiceLocatorisanAnti-Pattern/