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England is killing Julian Assange for America

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They are killing him on purpose. They are killing him either actively or through neglect. They are not concerned that he be able to stand trial in compos mentis. They are not concerned that whatever the hell they are doing to him in prison is destroying his mind and body even faster than having been locked in the Ecuadoran embassy for over 7 years did.

From Assange in Court: What I Saw by Craig Murray (Antiwar.com):

“Everybody in that court yesterday saw that one of the greatest journalists and most important dissidents of our times is being tortured to death by the state, before our eyes. To see my friend, the most articulate man, the fastest thinker, I have ever known, reduced to that shambling and incoherent wreck, was unbearable. Yet the agents of the state, particularly the callous magistrate Vanessa Baraitser, were not just prepared but eager to be a part of this bloodsport. She actually told him that if he were incapable of following proceedings, then his lawyers could explain what had happened to him later. The question of why a man who, by the very charges against him, was acknowledged to be highly intelligent and competent, had been reduced by the state to somebody incapable of following court proceedings, gave her not a millisecond of concern.[1]

We don’t even have to pretend that this is anything but the resurrection of the Star Chamber.[2]

Assange, a journalist, is being punished for having been a journalist. The mainstream media profited from years from his work. No-one is lining up to help him now—nor did they do so over the last seven years. He is an Australian citizen—it is not surprising to see his home country abandon him to the wolves of American and England, two allies of his home country.

Assange is being publicly punished to keep everyone else’s mouth shut. I only hope it doesn’t work. I only wish he could get away, escape like Edward Snowden did. It may be too late anyway, with his mind perhaps irreparably gone.[3] It’s a fucking tragedy. Do not forget that this is how the purportedly enlightened west runs things. It’s a valuable lesson, if nothing else.

They are a mafia. They have always been a mafia. The rule of the jungle is the only rule. The strongest wins. Everyone else toes the line and pays fealty. We are in a giant prison and the only way to win is to avoid being anyone’s bitch. You have no chance at real freedom in a system like this. Something fundamental has to change before we can be truly free. The system is broken.

With all the talk of nonviolent protest to change the power balance, to unseat the elites, it raises the question if it’s really possible to change anything without revolution. Physical violence will not win the day—the west has made sure to corner the market on that. But its stranglehold can only be broken with violence—perhaps of another kind, perhaps more like the kind they exert on us every day as they guide every second of our lives to ensure they generate maximum profits and don’t upset the apple cart. You can’t negotiate with terrorists like that.

[1] The full article is quite informative. It details how “The US government was dictating its instructions to Lewis, who was relaying those instructions to Baraitser, who was ruling them as her legal decision.” England has absolutely no backbone. It also notes that extradition does not apply between the UK and US when the “offense for which extradition is requested is a political offense.”
“Assange’s defense team objected strenuously to the move to Belmarsh, in particular on the grounds that there are no conference rooms available there to consult their client and they have very inadequate access to him in the jail. Baraitser dismissed their objection offhand and with a very definite smirk.”

He was only allowed to make one statement and, other than some “confused and incoherent” statements, he was able to pull himself together to say:

“I do not understand how this process is equitable. This superpower had 10 years to prepare for this case and I can’t even access my writings. It is very difficult, where I am, to do anything. These people have unlimited resources.”

Murray went on to describe the courtroom:

“What we had was a naked demonstration of the power of the state, and a naked dictation of proceedings by the Americans. Julian was in a box behind bulletproof glass, and I and the thirty odd other members of the public who had squeezed in were in a different box behind more bulletproof glass. I do not know if he could see me or his other friends in the court, or if he was capable of recognizing anybody. He gave no indication that he did.”