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Why I still like Reddit sometimes

Published by marco on

So, Dave Levitan tweeted,

“Someone please tell me if I’m wrong, but I have the impression that the best climate models and projections didn’t really have “all the rivers are gonna dry up, like now-ish” in there”

The Rhine, the Yangtze, the Po by aprettyp (Reddit) is a screenshot of the tweet. The top response by whoareyoutoquestion is wholly informative,

“Except they did and do. “Unprecedented droughts” and “Increased cyclic extremes of weather” are two common things in climate change caused by global warming. There isn’t a way to to know for sure which rivers were going to be hit first, but all will be hit sooner or later. Welcome to the dry age.”

The top response to that is by Osama_Obama,

“ThErE’s STilL WaTeR CoMiNg OuT Of My SiNk LiBtArdS!”


Not constructive, but funny as hell.

This sums Reddit up in a nutshell.


 ThErE's STilL WaTeR CoMiNg OuT Of My SiNk LiBtArdS!