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YouTube thinks Oecomania isn’t spicy enough

Published by marco on

I was looking for a great movie called Oeconomia on YouTube.

Wie entsteht Geld? − Macht. Herrschaft. Geld. Über Staatsverschuldung, EZB & riesige Privatvermögen by MrMarxismo (YouTube)

It is excellent, but it is a dry movie in German about macroeconomics.

What it is not, is a movie you would watch on the offhand chance of seeing some nudity. YouTube felt that it needed to correct this oversight and spice things up in the search results.

 Oecomania Search on YouTube

The first link (included above) in the results is to the entire movie and is really the only result you need. If you’re not already sure you want to see it, then you can watch the trailer from the second result. If you’re feeling like Google needs to get a piece of the action, you can pay to watch it on YouTube Movies in the third result.

Or, you can click the fourth result[1] and cross your fingers that, somewhere, in those twelve minutes, the impressively bosomed woman in the poster will complete the maneuver of lifting her shirt over her head that is extremely obviously being hinted at.

The title says, “She forgot that she was live and did THIS.”

I weep for humanity.

[1] If you’ve put in the effort to look at the footnotes, you’ll be rewarded with the link to that video. I’m sure it’s absolutely awful and is absolutely not what it advertises.