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What does peak anything mean?

Published by marco on

Why Are Lithium Prices Collapsing? (Hacker News)

The comments are full of people heralding the growth of Lithium mining, as if there being more of it available has come at no cost to anyone. Of course, they don’t think about the destroyed environment or the destroyed communities—they think only of their privileged, 1% future because they know they only ever benefit from increased extraction—in the form of increased availability or lower prices or both—and they never suffer any of the ill effects. Then they flood the zone with comments about how the doom-saying Cassandras were wrong about limited resources because lookit how much there is naow.

The so-called Cassandras were never saying that there wasn’t more lithium. They were saying that the price for increasing production was high. That it would be wrong to extract more of these resources, if it comes at the cost of the environment or increased CO2-production. They have not been wrong.

Why are lithium prices collapsing? by Nichloas Larsen (International Banker)

I don’t really have to read the article to know the answer. Prices are collapsing because the most powerful elites in the world see the possibility of increased wealth and profits in selling every first-world idiot an electric car or three. Prices are collapsing because they will it—and because neither they nor anyone they know, or are aware of, will suffer any of the deleterious side-effects associated with increased extraction.

After spoon-feeding its audience a bunch of horseshit, it ends with a complete repudiation of the article’s title.

“And while substantial new sources of supply may come online eventually, some analysts do not see this having a sustained impact on prices in 2023. Scotiabank (Bank of Nova Scotia), for instance, believes the recent selloff in lithium equities has been largely unjustified for this reason. “While the year ahead has a slight chance to see temporary softness in lithium spot prices, beyond 2024, we are stumped as to where supply will come from to satisfy demand,” it recently noted, as quoted by the Financial Times. And Trafigura recently echoed this sentiment. “I really don’t think there’s any reason to believe that so many tons can magically appear this year to return the market to balance,” Claire Blanchelande, a lithium trader at the commodities trading firm, told Bloomberg in January. “The pain is not over yet.””

The post Please explain++ (Fuck Nestle) by PetronilaConaway (Reddit) is of the following image:

 Winona LaDuke is 100% right

It reads,

“Someone needs to explain to me why wanting clean drinking water makes you an activist, and why proposing to destroy water with chemical warfare doesn’t make a corporation a terrorist.”

The top comment by Horse_Renoir reads,

“That’s easy!

“Capitalism expects infinite growth from our finite world so it is inevitable that capitalists will come for our every last natural resource.

“The entire system is setup to support capitalism. So if you get in the way of capitalists exploiting the things we need to survive in their quest to make a profit you’re a terrorist. 😡

“If you’re a capitalist exploiting the things peons need to survive you’re just doing as the system intended and are in fact a very good business person. 🤗”