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Sanders đź’• Biden

Published by marco on

Oh, c’mon, Bernie. Really?

 The article In New Hampshire speech, Bernie Sanders seeks to give Biden “progressive” credentials, comparing him to FDR by Patrick Martin (WSWS) reports on Sanders’s latest disappointment. The article basically provides detail for what it says on the tin.

Specifically, he said this:

“The Democrats, once and for all, must reject the corporate wing of the party and empower those who are prepared to create a grassroots, multi-racial, multi-generational working class party in every state in this country. Democrats, through words and action, must make it clear that they stand with a struggling working class, a disappearing middle class, and millions of low income Americans who are barely surviving.”

This is good. This is fine. This is what Bernie always says. It’s what he has always said. It’s the stuff they let him say because it doesn’t matter that he says it.

Why doesn’t it matter?

Because the then immediately endorsed Biden for president.

The war machine must stop, but he endorsed Biden for president.

We need a principled leader to stand up to the weight of the last four decades of U.S. history and economic shithousery and war, but he endorsed Biden for president.

About Cornel West he had this to say:

“Sanders expressed his personal admiration for West, while claiming that re-electing Biden was essential to preventing Trump from returning to power. On “Meet the Press,” he said, “at the end of the day, I think the progressive community in general and the American people have got to make a decision as to whether we stand for democracy or authoritarianism.””

Ok, Ok, Bernie. You sure you don’t want to give any support for your theory that Biden is the lesser evil? That you’re really going to just ride that hobby-horse that any third-party candidate is just going to get Trump reelected? That this would somehow be worse than Biden’s having embroiled the U.S. in the Ukraine conflict?

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me ten times, shame on me.

The third-party-candidate-cost-Democrats-the-election trope is just that: bullshit. The Democrats are a dumpster fire of corporate greed and immorality. The Republicans are the same.

Instead of doing anything that the populace might want, they chastise and admonish and browbeat their potential voters into voting for them.

Bernie said:

“On “State of the Union,” he said he disagreed with “my good friend Cornel West” because “there is a real question whether democracy is going to remain in the United States of America,” and it was necessary to support Biden to keep Trump out.”

So Cornel West should shut the fuck up and campaign and vote against Trump, if not for Biden. Biden is the only thing standing between the U.S. and not having a democracy anymore. Can you imagine believing something so foolish? Wouldn’t you be terrified that this doddering old man is the only hope for the nation?

Maybe Bernie should sit down and shut up while the grown-ups talk. He’s been a worn-out useless stooge for the Democrats for too long. He says so many nice things sometimes, but he is politically useless. It’s hard not to think that he’s a deliberate distraction, bleeding away energy that would be better invested elsewhere.

It’s astonishing that he not only forgave the Democrats for having torpedoed him not once, but twice—he’s actually now out-and-out stumping for them, without reservation. As usual, he asks for nothing in return.

Of course, the article is from the WSWS, so they’re going to shit on Cornel West as well, but for different reasons. For example,

“West himself offers no genuine alternative to working people.”

That is a pretty broad brush they just painted West with. The man hasn’t even had a chance to describe his platform yet. I guess the WSWS is going to be preemptively disappointed in him.

Why shouldn’t Sanders support Biden? There are myriad reasons, but the article 115 dead and hundreds still missing in Maui wildfire disaster by Kevin Reed (WSWS) provides an excellent, recent example,

“After spending six hours in Maui feigning sympathy for the families of those who died and those who have lost everything in the wildfire disaster, President Joe Biden and wife Jill took a direct flight on Air Force One back to Nevada to resume their vacation at a billionaire’s luxury mansion in Lake Tahoe last week.”

That’s about all you need to say about Biden.

Well, there’s also this photo caption:

“President Joe Biden speaks with reporters after taking a pilates and spin class at PeloDog, Wednesday, August 23, 2023, in South Lake Tahoe, California. ”

Truly a man in touch with the people. He might as well be living on that Elysium space station. You can see why Bernie loves him so.