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Norman Finkelstein is shit-posting tragedy

Published by marco on

Normal Finkelstein has woken from a slumber, finally being interviewed and questioned about his deep knowledge of Palestine, Israel and their shared history. I’ve written relatively extensively about him recently, in Norman Finkelstein is on a tear, but also in many Links & Notes stretching back over 10 years (with several from the last six weeks), from when I reviewed the film Lemon Tree in 2016 or when I reviewed the film Defamation in 2013.

He’s usually absolutely strictly no-nonsense, but when he cracks, he has a wicked and dark sense of humor. Here is series of tweets he wrote recently, during the absolute theater that was Israel’s taking of a hospital that they claimed was a command-and-control center for Hamas.

“It is reported that Israel is about to invade al-Shifa. Don’t be surprised if they finds copies of Mein Kampf in the incubators.”

Right on cue, Israeli president Herzog reported that the IDF had found a copy of Mein Kampf in Arabic in a child’s room.

“NEWSFLASH: Entering Secret al-Shifa Passageway, IDF Discovers Kim Kardashian Blow-Up Doll in Hamas Jacuzzi”

 3. Saddam tweet

“NEWS FLASH: IDE Discovers Saddam’s WMD Hidden in al-Shifa Basement.
An IDF spokesman stated: “It’s clearly labeled in black-and-white:

“As the IDF busily loads al-Shifa hospital with “Hamas weapons,” the New York Times prepares its headline: “Conflicting evidence…””

““The official said that soldiers had found weapons and evidence of a militant headquarters, but declined to provide further details and said that proof would not be provided until after the raid had ended.” (NY Times)”

“Why all this digging and excavating? Didn’t the Times report just two days ago that the IDF provided them with photographs of the clearly marked entranceway inside the hospital that led directly to the Hamas command-and-control center?”

“I posted the warning on this Twitter account last night. But despite this advanced warning, Hamas didn’t take the weapons to its command-and-control center beneath al-Shifa. No, it decided to leave these weapons lying around in the radiology ward so as to give Israel a photo-op.”

“It is now 24 hours since Israel invaded al-Shifa hospital. No sprawling Hamas command-and-control center. No arms caches in the tunnels. No secret passageways. No nothing except: DEAD BABIES IN INCUBATORS WITHOUT FUEL.”

“Senator Schumer Reacts to News that Ten More Babies Died in Al-Shifa Incubators.”

“Never to Forgive! Never to Forget!

“Israel – and the Biden administration – justified the suffocation of infants in al-Shifa incubators by asserting that a ramified Hamas command-and-control center was located beneath the hospital.

“How did this sprawling command-and-control center vanish?”

That’s the tunnel. To the command-and-control center.

“Have no fear: It’s certain that Israel will figure out how to deactivate the booby-trap—after it finishes constructing the tunnel.”

According to the article Complete and Utter Carnage by Jeffrey St. Clair (CounterPunch),

“Israel found their own bunkers…

Amanpour: “When you say [the bunker under al-Shifa] was built by Israeli engineers, did you misspeak?

Ehud Barak: “No, decades ago, we were running the place… we helped them to build these bunkers.

Amanpour: “OK. That’s sort of thrown me a little bit.”

“Hours before the Operational Pause began on Friday, the IDF destroyed the electrical and oxygen generators at al-Shifa hospital, smashed MRI and x-ray machines, blew up the sub-basement rooms which were supposedly Hamas’s HQ before any international investigators could examine it, and arrested the hospital’s director, along with three Palestinian paramedics.”

So, Norman was wrong—but only because he didn’t guess that Israel wasn’t still digging the tunnels—but that they were certain that there was a tunnel or two down there because they’d built them themselves, decades ago. They had to blow everything up so no-one would find out that no-one had been down there since then.