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They’re all the same

Published by marco on

I heard part of this guy’s Jim Himes’s speech in the following video,

Media Pushes Obvious Deep State PsyOp by Glenn Greenwald (YouTube)

I was struck by my utter inability to tell which party he was from. My only hint was that he was calling for more money for Ukraine, so I figured he must be a Democrat.[1]

But all of the rest of the words were the same words a Republican would use to encourage continued war. Let me throw a bit of the transcript in here, taken from H5846 − December 12, 2023 (Congressional Record)

“Mr. HIMES. Madam Speaker, I thank the gentlewoman from Ohio for having this critical conversation today.

“Just outside this Chamber, on January 20, 1961, a new young President by the name of John F. Kennedy said, ‘‘We shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and success of liberty.’’

“We would pay any price, bear any burden, and meet any hardship to ensure the survival and success of liberty.

“What has happened to America that we shrink from our traditional role of standing up against tyrants, dictators, and genocidal maniacs in favor of liberty? What has happened to us?

“Why did Kennedy say those words? He didn’t say those words because he wanted to replicate the pain and tragedy of the world war in which he had distinguished himself as a war hero. He didn’t say those words because he wanted young Americans to die in East Asia or around the globe in the service of liberty.

“He said those words because he understood what he had learned in the 1930s and the 1940s, which is that brutal dictators don’t stop; they are stopped. They are stopped by those with the moral fortitude and courage to stop them.

“If we accede to where half of the Republican majority is today, which is that we are not going to support Ukraine in this fight, Putin will not stop. Soon, the United States will have no choice but to step in to stop Vladimir Putin.

“We hear these excuses: There is not enough accounting. There is not enough oversight.

We didn’t hear that when we were supporting the Afghani regime, which is profoundly corrupt. We didn’t hear that about Iraq. We are only hearing that about Ukraine.

“We hear that we would like to know what the plan is for victory in Ukraine. Did anybody ask Winston Churchill, the hero of World War II, what his plan for victory was? No, they did not because he wasn’t sure. We stood by him because he stood for liberty and the moral clarity that this institution has now lost.

“If we think for one moment that Putin is the only one who is enjoying this moment, think about what President Xi of China is learning; think about what the Iranian mullahs are seeing; and think about what the North Korean dictator is coming to understand: That this Congress, when faced with the demand that we fight for liberty and freedom, we cut and run. That is what is being learned. Anybody who reads an iota of history will understand the tragedy that is behind that.

“It is time for this Chamber to find an iota of the moral courage and clarity that John F. Kennedy elaborated on just outside these doors. We do it because it is right. We do it because if we fail the Ukrainians, it may be the next generation of Americans and Frenchmen and British who have to stop Putin.

“Be assured that we will have to do that later in far, far more tragic circumstances than we have right now to stop—as John F. Kennedy called us to do—the march of tyranny and stand up for liberty.”

He hits all of the expected points:

  • He talks about “cutting and running” from the fight for “liberty and freedom”.
  • He hand-waves a coming third world-war if Congress doesn’t fund right now.
  • He says having no plan for what to do with the money as a good thing because Churchill didn’t have a plan either.
  • He plays the “moral clarity” card, when nothing is morally clear.
  • He cites the axis of evil
    • ”Putin” of Russia
    • “President Xi of China”
    • “Iranian mullahs” (I guess he doesn’t know any names there)
    • “[T]he North Korean dictator” (again, the name seems to have escaped him)

In Greenwald’s segment, he compares this impassioned speech to the recent revelation that Russia has lost 85% of its troops. OMG we’re almost there! We can’t quit now!

 But, wait….if Putin has lost all of his troops and hardware and stands before imminent defeat if we don’t lose our resolve, then why is Jim Himers telling us that Putin’s going to win not only Ukraine, but take over Europe if we don’t stop him? How could he do any of that if he has barely any military power left?

Which one is it? Both? It can’t be both. I bet it’s … neither.

Stop blowing smoke up our asses.


It’s funny. I’d stopped the video to write most of the rest of this article. When I restarted, Glenn continued with,

“He sounds exactly like Nikki Haley, exactly like Tom Cotton, exactly like Marco Rubio, exactly like Liz Cheney. Do you see how identical the Democrats and Republicans are? The establishment wings of those parties, when it comes to foreign policy—first of all, everything is Hitler, everything is World War II again. Oh, we didn’t ask Winston Churchill what his plan was; why would we ask the United States government what its plan is in this war?

“Because we’ve been caught in so many wars with no exit strategy, with no clear strategy, and all it’s done is eaten up American resources, destroy American standing in the world, and ended up causing us to lose so many wars. Because we had no plan, but you see how everything is World War II, everything is either: you support war and you’re Winston Churchill or you oppose it and you’re giving in to Adolf Hitler, just like Neville Chamberlain did.

“Beyond that, this is the same worldview as Republicans have. We’re faced with an axis of evil, composed of Iran, China, North Korea, Russia. This is standard Republican foreign policy orthodoxy that is coming out of the mouth of these desperate Democrats to fuel this war in Ukraine. But he also lied when he said there were no calls for safeguards or investigations into where the money went for Afghanistan and Iraq. There were all kinds of investigations about where the money went in Iraq and Afghanistan and what we found was, when we have no safeguards, billions of dollars disappear.”