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Keeping the empire in line

Published by marco on

 It’s a bizarre thing that some countries just get to fly over other countries with their militaries—with their air force, to be more precise—and just bomb them on any day they feel like it. Like Israel just up and bombs Iraq, Lebanon, or Syria whenever it feels like it and no-one blinks an eye. The article US and UK Bomb Dozens of Sites in Yemen by Dave DeCamp (Scheer Post) writes that this just happened recently. No-one really cares—not enough to even dream of doing anything about it. No country that the U.S. would consider listening to has even objected. France? England? Germany? Nope. Nope. Nope.

You will barely read about it. Rounded down, no-one will learn that their country committed acts of war against other countries. It doesn’t matter. Why? Because those countries are defenseless. You’re allowed to bomb them. No-one says anything. The less of a danger a country is, the more likely it is that you’re allowed to bomb it without repercussions. That is how the world works. There is no rules-based order. There is no international justice. There are no democracies straining to bring enlightenment to benighted peoples. That’s just the horseshit they feed you to keep you quiet while they do what they want. There is only Empire. There is just might makes right. There is just certain countries getting to do what they want, when they want, to whom they want.

“Some members of Congress have criticized President Biden for launching the strikes in Yemen without congressional authorization. “The President needs to come to Congress before launching a strike against the Houthis in Yemen and involving us in another middle east conflict. That is Article I of the Constitution,” Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA) wrote on X.”

Oh wow. He tweeted it. I’m sure the President gives a single, flying blue f$*k about that.

The essay Western Empire Bombs Yemen To Protect Israel’s Genocide Operations In Gaza by Caitlin Johnstone (Caitlin’s Newsletter) writes,

“[…] the US and the UK just bombed the poorest country in the middle east for trying to stop a genocide. Not only that, they bombed the very same country in which they just spent years backing Saudi Arabia’s genocidal atrocities which killed hundreds of thousands of people between 2015 and 2022 in an unsuccessful bid to stop the Houthis from taking power.”

This is all done to protect trade routes, to keep prices low. It’s not even that trade is being blocked. It’s just taking longer to deliver. BOMB THEM. The attacks by Ansarallah have resulted in no casualties. They’re annoying. They cause companies to lose money. Some stuff gets to some countries more slowly. The U.S. and UK bombed the Sanaa international airport in Yemen. WTF. No declaration of war. No attempt to negotiate. No consideration of alternatives. No congressional approval. Just a dictator blowing shit up. This is what people were afraid Trump would do. This is what I wrote before the last election that Biden would almost certainly do. He’s a merciless piece of shit. He always has been.

Apparently wars in Ukraine and Gaza are not enough. Nothing ever makes him think it’s time to back down, to negotiate, that things are getting out of hand. Forget cold wars. He makes everything hot immediately. He’s fighting Russians directly in Syria. He’s proxy-fighting them in Ukraine. he’s funding and arming Saudi Arabia to flatten Ansarallah in Yemen. He’s funding and arming the Israelis to flatten the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank.

This is mindless violence, all to quash any hopes of rebellion against Empire, all to prevent any change to the system that subjugates so many—and funnels so much wealth toward Empire—and a handful of people in it.