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Four months of posting on the middle east

Published by marco on

Updated by marco on

A friend asked me for my opinion on the situation in the middle east, specifically on Israel/Palestine. Hoo-boy.

I wrote something like the following, although I’ve enhanced it a bit.

Israel is interested in clearing all of the Palestinians off of that land. They will shoot them if they have to, but starving them into leaving the country is also acceptable. Once they’re finished in Gaza, they’ll finish up in the West Bank, where they’ve already increased the ferocity of the occupation. It’s mostly about plunder, with a soupΓ§on of racist animus to keep everyone focused.

Israelis will continue to support this for the same reason that Americans support all of their own colonial activities: they are positively stewing in a sea of propaganda that keeps them terrified of largely imaginary or self-inflicted threats. Meanwhile their elites consolidate power and fortune.

I’ve been writing feverishly about it. I was actually quite surprised to see how much I’d written in the last 4 months about this topic.

πŸŽ₯ = includes video interview
πŸ’• = personal favorite because I remember making a particularly brilliant point

Those are just the actual articles I wrote, mostly extracted from my notes, of which there is a giant post, once per week, that you’re welcome to dig through for even more. But I honestly can’t imagine that anyone could stand it. I write for me.

[1] That article I like because it recaps my thoughts from early October, but in late December. I wasn’t too far off in my analysis of what was to come.