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Real quick on MVVM

Published by marco on

A little while back, someone wrote I can’t wrap my head around MVVM (Reddit), asking for help. I answered with a short example, reproduced below.

tl;dr: Use the MVVM Toolkit and try JetBrains ReSharper or Rider for more IDE assistance for binding and fixing up views.[1]

The concept is that:

  • the (M)odel describes your data in the shape you want to store it, process it, etc.
  • a (V)iew describes the elements of the UI.
  • a (V)iew(M)odel mediates between these two “shapes”.

Why do we need this? Why not just bind the view directly to the model?

Consider a simple person:

record Person(
  string FirstName,
  string LastName,
  Company Company,
  DateTime BirthDate);

The view model might want to expose:

int Age => DateTime.Now.Year − _model.BirthDate.Year;

string FullName => $"{_model.FirstName} {_model.LastName}";

Company Company { get; }

IReadOnlyList<Company> AvailableCompanies { get; }

The AvailableCompanies is for the drop-down menu.

So that’s why there are two models. We don’t want to pollute the data model with view-specific properties. Each view gets its own view model and you can have multiple views/viewModels on the same model. Nice.

The *mechanics* of binding the view to an object has nothing to do with MVVM. It’s *binding*, which is done by magic. This magic is made a lot easier if you use the MVVM Toolkit. The latest versions use source generators so you can actually *see* the magic binding code (in separate source-generated files).

I would also try JetBrains ReSharper or Rider because either of those tools provides a lot more code-completion, hints, warnings, and fixup assistance than a bare Visual Studio does.

[1] I just saw in a .NET 9 release video that x:bind is a better alternative to the classic binding, which has better compiler and code-completion support (because it generates sources rather than using reflection). I haven’t had a chance to investigate yet, though.