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Stop Using IIS

Published by marco on

Slashdot writes that the Gartner Group has come out with a statement recommending that businesses not use Microsoft’s web server.

Slashdot misreports the severity, though:

<q>Gartner remains concerned that viruses and worms will continue to attack IIS until Microsoft has released a completely rewritten, thoroughly and publicly tested, new release of IIS,‘ which they say has an 80% chance of happening by the end of next year.</q>

Note that the Slashdot quotes extend into the portion that is no longer part of the quote (the “which they say has an 80% chance of happening by the end of next year.”) In fact, Gartner says:

<q>Gartner believes that this rewriting will not occur before year-end 2002 (0.8 probability).</q>

That’s an 80% probability that a rewrite won’t happen. The inevitable Microsoft response is discussed at The Register.