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(9) How to add multiple pictures at once


<n>This article is part (9) of a multi-part <a href="{app}view_article.php?id=1912">earthli Albums tutorial</a>.</n> <hr> <n>Before you start adding pictures, you should read the article <a href="{app}view_article.php?id=1006" source="earthli News">Uploading pictures in earthli Albums</a> to learn how to prepare pictures for publication online.</n> <hr> If you have a lot of pictures to add to an album and you don't feel like <a href="{app}/view_article.php?id=1902">adding them individually</a>, you can upload them all at once and then <a href="{app}/view_article.php?id=1898">edit them later</a>. Let's start, as always, by going to the Galapagos home page, as described in the <a href="{app}/view_article.php?id=1896">navigation tutorial</a>, as shown below: <img src="{att_link}multi_upload_pictures.jpg" href="{att_link}multi_upload_pictures.jpg" align="center" class="frame" caption="Selecting to Upload Pictures (click to enlarge)" scale="50%"> Hover the mouse over the "Commands" button, then select "Upload pictures" (1) from the menu; you'll be taken to a form for uploading multiple pictures, as shown below: <img src="{att_link}multi_upload_pictures_page.jpg" href="{att_link}multi_upload_pictures_page.jpg" align="center" class="frame" caption="Upload Pictures Form (click to enlarge)" scale="50%"> You only have to provide a value for "Zip file" (3); the other settings are optional. For zip file, you have to collect the pictures you want to upload into a single, compressed file in ZIP-format. You should leave "Day" (2) at the default value, which tries to read dates from pictures, using today's date as a default for pictures that don't contain dates. If you upload multiple zip files, you can change the "First number" (1) so you don't have pictures with the same names<fn>. When you're ready, press the "Upload" button (4) to upload the zip file and process the pictures in it, as shown below: <img src="{att_link}multi_upload_pictures_output_log.jpg" href="{att_link}multi_upload_pictures_output_log.jpg" align="center" class="frame" caption="Multi-Picture Output (click to enlarge)" scale="50%"> This next step might take a while, depending on how many pictures are in the ZIP file. The output shows each picture (1) as it is processed, indicating warnings (2) when the date can't be extracted. When the upload is complete, you can select "View pictures" (3) to see the uploaded pictures in the album. <hr> <ft>For example, if the first zip file has 20 pictures in it, they will be named "Picture 1 - filename" - "Picture 20 - filename"; when you upload the second zip file, set the "First Number" to 21 so that the pictures in the second zip file are named starting with "Picture 21 - filename".</ft>