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Using an OpenSSL certificate for Courier IMAP
Courier IMAP has a default certificate for SLL communication, but it's only valid for a year and has bogus, default information in it. You can use a utility to generate a new certificate and, with a little perseverance, find the configuration file from which it draws its parameters. With these parameters, you can make a slightly better certificate, but it's better to use OpenSSL to generate a proper certificate, based either on a trusted certificate or self-signed. However, OpenSSL's default output does not include the combined private key/certificate file expected by Courier. To do that, I adapted the instructions found in <a href="">Courier IMAP SSL Certificate Installation</a> to create the combined PEM file and reference it from the courier configuration file.
In my case, I just re-used the certificates I'd already generated for TLS SMTP access with Postfix, which I'd stored at <c>/etc/postfix/keys/</c>. All instructions are for a Debian Etch installation. Open a text editor and paste the contents of the primary certificate and the private key one after another in the following order:
The Primary Certificate (server.crt)
The Private Key (server.key)
Include the <c>BEGIN</c> and <c>END</c> tags on each. The result should look like this:
(Your Primary SSL certificate: server.crt)
(Your Private Key: server.key)
Save the combined file as <c>server.pem</c>.
Finally, open the <c>/etc/courier/imapd-ssl</c> file and update the following value to reference the new PEM file.
Restart the Courier server by executing <c>/etc/init.d/courier-imap-ssl restart</c> and you're done.