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REST API Status codes (400 vs. 500)
In a project that we're working on, we're consuming REST APIs delivered by services built by another team working for the same customer. We had a discussion about what were appropriate error codes to return for various situations. The discussion boiled down to: should a service return a 500 error code or a 400 error code when a request cannot be processed?
I took a quick look at the documentation for a couple of the larger REST API providers and they are using the 500 code only for catastrophic failure and using the 400 code for anything related to query-input validation errors.
<a href="">Microsoft Azure Common REST API Error Codes</a>
Code 400:
<bq quote_style="none"><ul>
The requested URI does not represent any resource on the server.
One of the request inputs is out of range.
One of the request inputs is not valid.
A required query parameter was not specified for this request.
One of the query parameters specified in the request URI is not supported.
An invalid value was specified for one of the query parameters in the request URI.
Code 500:
<bq quote_style="none"><ul>
The server encountered an internal error. Please retry the request.
The operation could not be completed within the permitted time.
The server is currently unable to receive requests. Please retry your request.
<a href="">Twitter Error Codes & Responses</a>
Code 400:
<bq>The request was invalid or cannot be otherwise served. An accompanying error message will explain further.</bq>
Code 500:
<bq>Something is broken. Please post to the group so the Twitter team can investigate.</bq>
<a href="">REST API Tutorial HTTP Status Codes</a>
Code 400:
<bq>General error when fulfilling the request would cause an invalid state. Domain validation errors, missing data, etc. are some examples.</bq>
Code 500:
<bq>A generic error message, given when no more specific message is suitable. The general catch-all error when the server-side throws an exception. Use this only for errors that the consumer cannot address from their end—never return this intentionally.</bq>
<a href="">REST HTTP status codes</a>
<bq>For input validation failure: 400 Bad Request + your optional description. This is suggested in the book "RESTful Web Services".</bq>