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Should you return <c>null</c> or an empty list?
I've seen a bunch of articles addressing this topic of late, so I've decided to weigh in.
The reason we frown on returning <c>null</c> from a method that returns a list or sequence is that we want to be able to freely use these sequences or lists with in a functional manner.
It seems to me that the proponents of "no nulls" are generally those who have a functional language at their disposal and the antagonists do not. In functional languages, we almost always return <i>sequences</i> instead of lists or arrays.
In C# and other functional languages, we want to be able to do this:
var names = GetOpenItems()
.Where(i => i.OverdueByTwoWeeks)
.SelectMany(i => i.GetHistoricalAssignees()
.Select(a => new { a.FirstName, a.LastName })
foreach (var name in names)
Console.WriteLine("{1}, {0}", name.FirstName, name.LastName);
If either <c>GetHistoricalAssignees()</c> or <c>GetOpenItems()</c> <i>might</i> return <c>null</c>, then we'd have to write the code above as follows instead:
<hl>var openItems = </hl>GetOpenItems();
<hl>if (openItems != null)
var names = <hl>openItems</hl>
.Where(i => i.OverdueByTwoWeeks)
.SelectMany(i => <hl>(</hl>i.GetHistoricalAssignees() <hl>?? Enumerable.Empty<person>())</hl>
.Select(a => new { a.FirstName, a.LastName })
foreach (var name in names)
Console.WriteLine("{1}, {0}", name.FirstName, name.LastName);
This seems like exactly the kind of code we'd like to avoid writing, if possible. It's also the kind of code that calling clients are unlikely to write, which will lead to crashes with <c>NullReferenceExceptions</c>. As we'll see below, there are people that seem to think that's perfectly OK. I am not one of those people, but I digress.
The post, <a href="" source="Code Project" author="Christian Neumanns">Is it Really Better to 'Return an Empty List Instead of null'? / Part 1</a> serves as a good example of an article that seems to be providing information but is just trying to distract people into accepting it as a source of genuine information. He introduces his topic with the following vagueness.
<bq>If we read through related questions in Stackoverflow and other forums, we can see that not all people agree. There are many different, sometimes truly opposite opinions. For example, the top rated answer in the Stackoverflow question Should functions return null or an empty object? (related to objects in general, not specifically to lists) tells us exactly the opposite:
Returning null is usually the best idea ...</bq>
The statement <iq>we can see that not all people agree</iq> is a tautology. I would split the people into groups of those whose opinions we should care about and everyone else. The statement <iq>There are many different, sometimes truly opposite opinions</iq> is also tautological, given the nature of the matter under discussion---namely, a question that can only be answered as "yes" or "no". Such questions generally result in two camps with diametrically opposed opinions.
As the extremely long-winded pair of articles writes: sometimes you can't be sure of what an external API will return. That's correct. You have to protect against those with ugly, defensive code. But don't use that as an excuse to produce even <i>more</i> methods that may return <c>null</c>. Otherwise, you're just part of the problem.
The second article <a href="" source="Code Project" author="Christian Neumanns">Is it Really Better to 'Return an Empty List Instead of null'? - Part 2</a> includes many more examples.
I just don't know what to say about people that write things like <iq>Bugs that cause NullPointerExceptions are usually easy to debug because the cause and effect are short-distanced in space (i.e. location in source code) and time.</iq> While this is kind of true, it's also even more true that you can't tell the difference between such an exception being caused by a savvy programmer who's using it to his advantage and a non-savvy programmer whose code is buggy as hell.
He has a ton of examples that try to distinguish between a method that returns an empty sequence being different from a method that cannot properly answer a question. This is a concern and a very real distinction to make, but the answer is not to return <c>null</c> to indicate nonsensical input. The answer is to <i>throw an exception</i>.
The method providing the sequence should not be making decisions about whether an empty sequence is acceptable for the caller. For sequences that cannot logically be empty, the method should throw an exception instead of returning null to indicate "something went wrong".
A caller may impart semantic meaning to an empty result and also throw an exception (as in his example with a cycling team that has no members). If the display of such a sequence on a web page is incorrect, then that is the fault of the caller, not of the provider of the sequence.
If data is not yet available, but should be, throw an exception
If data is not available but the provider isn't qualified to decide, return an empty sequence
If the caller receives an empty sequence and knows that it should not be empty, then it is responsible for indicating an error.
That there exists calling code that makes assumptions about return values that are incorrect is no reason to start returning values that will make calling code crash with a <c>NullPointerException</c>.
All of his examples are similar: he tries to make the pure-data call to retrieve a sequence of elements simultaneously validate some business logic. That's not a good idea. If this is really necessary, then the validity check should go in another method.
The example he cites for getting the amount from a list of PriceComponents is exactly why most aggregation functions in .NET throw an exception when the input sequence is empty. But that's a much better way of handling it---with a precise exception---than by returning <c>null</c> to try to force an exception somewhere in the calling code.
But the upshot for me is: I am not going to write code that, when I call it, forces me to litter other code with null-checks. That's just ridiculous.