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Extra devices in Opera Tabs
<img attachment="opera_logo_icon_(1).png" align="right">Opera has for a very long time had a nice feature that lets you share tabs between browser instances. Since I have a private desktop, a private notebook, and a work notebook, I use this feature quite a bit to transfer tabs between machines.
Unfortunately, a given Opera instance isn't very good at <i>forgetting</i> older devices. E.g., my machine from my previous place of employment is still listed. Also, devices are sometimes listed multiple times, which is confusing and irritating.
There is no official mechanism for clearing this list, but I found a solution in the forum post <a href="">Opera sync - remove old device</a>:
Go to <a href="opera://about/">Opera...About</a> (also available from the menus)
Get the path to your profile (e.g., <c>Profile: /Users/marco/Library/Application Support/com.operasoftware.OperaNext</c>)
In that folder, browse to <c>Local Storage/leveldb</c>
Delete all of the <c>*.ldb</c> files
Restart Opera
The tabs page should now only show current devices<ul>
It might take a few seconds for other devices to populate again
You may need to log out and log back in from your devices to "kick-start" the sync</ul>