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Living in a corrupt corporate state is not an inevitability
This is a six-minute video of Jonathan Pie going on a tear against the true criminals: the so-called ruling class that is making even people at the hearts of empires miserable.
<media href="" src="" source="YouTube" width="560px" author="Jonathan Pie" caption="The Corporate Con.">
<bq>Most of our public services are now owned by private companies whose main purpose---and, in most cases, <i>only</i> purpose---is to make profit. They don't work for you or the government or the council. <b>They work for shareholders and nobody else. And it's a pretty good system, if <i>you own shares in that company</i>.</b>
Privatization! It was sold to the nation as giving us more choice as consumers. And there is a choice: <b>get fucked hard over a barrel with zero lube or go without heating and water. There's your choice.</b></bq>
<bq>All they talk about is growth and growth and business and growth, with zero
acknowledgement that <b><i>we live in a corrupt corporate state</i>, which is not an <i>inevitability</i> but a <i>political choice</i>. And not doing anything about it <i>is also a political choice</i>.</b></bq>
<bq>You can't do much but you better do something about this unbridled corporate greed and do it fast, <b>cuz there's a dead-eyed, populist, GB-news, lopsided minge just one election away.</b></bq>