
304 Articles


#1 − Reply from a colleague


A colleague responded with Yes I am doing Advent of Code by Austin Jones (Austin's Journey for Meaning). He wrote,

“Have you heard of Inktober? In short, it’s a drawing challenge where you draw in ink based on a prompt every day of October. You don’t win anything. There’s no cool badge. It’s just fun and a challenge (try to draw something subverting 31 days in a row). I really enjoy to break out my pen and pad and render some ideas.”

I wrote him back,

Sounds like you’re doing it for the right reason.

I agree with what you wrote. Everything I do is also for fun, as well. It’s why I’m kind of bad at adulting. How does my pension look? What? I’ve not got time for that! I’m writing about injustice in Syria! I’m reading about syntax differences between OCaml and Haskell! Ask my wife; she’s the only one who knows how to log on to our online banking anyway.

I’m mystified by posts that talk about “driving engagement” to personal web sites. Why would you do that? Don’t monetize everything you do for fun! Because then you can’t pick and choose when to do it! And then … it stops being fun.

Influencers know what I’m talking about.

I’m lucky in that my job is also mostly fun.

When I switched jobs to Uster a few years back, I went from almost 100% software-engineering, programming, systems design, architecture to … none of that at first. But I was still enjoying the hell out of my job.


I realized that, although I’d looked for a job for programming, what I really found to be fun is problem-solving.

That, and also recognition and acknowledgement that what I was doing was appreciated and useful. That helped a lot … and had been nearly completely lacking at my own company.

Huh. I started off with the best of intentions not to write too much, in the hopes that I wouldn’t appear to be trying to overshadow your lovely message and yet here we are.

(Attached to Article Are you doing the Advent of Code?)

#3 − Got it


You’re right. Didn’t thougt about just removing a aspect and adding your own implementation. Way easier then using a IoC container.

I don’t like passing around the container anyway as it hides code-dependencies. I once was told folks even call it an anti-pattern. Eg this guy:

#2 − IOC Overkill?


I suppose you could do that as well, although we currently don’t have the IOC involved in creating metadata. Almost everything is a helper method to make it easier and quicker to create metadata—if you don’t like the way the helper method works, then just write your own helper method. We’ve been slowly but surely getting rid of larger extension/helper methods, so passing in an IOC so that it can create the aspect seems kind of like overkill.

You can either just write your own extension method, like so:

public static ClassCacheAspect SetSuperCacheAspectValues(
  this IMetaClass metaClass,
  Action<ClassCacheAspect> setValues)
  return metaClass.UpdateAspect<IClassCacheAspect, ClassCacheAspect>(
    new SuperClassCacheAspect(),

We can call this as follows:

Elements.Classes.Person.SetSuperCacheAspectValues(a => a.Capacity = 1000);

If I go the IOC route, then I would make the base helper method accept another parameter (I guess?). This is kind of neat, and would let me push the machinery for creating a new aspect down to the next-level methods.

The method that works with aspects that implement ICopyTarget looks like this:

public static TConcrete SetAspectValues<TService, TConcrete>(
  this IMetaClass metaClass,
  IServiceRequestHandler handler,
  Action<TConcrete> setValues
  where TConcrete : TService, ICopyTarget<TService>
  where TService : IMetaAspect
  return metaClass.UpdateAspect<TService, TConcrete>(
    (aspect, existingAspect) => aspect.CopyFrom(existingAspect),

The fully generalized one that has no expectations of the aspect actually creates the aspect using the IOC.

public static TConcrete SetAspectValues<TService, TConcrete>(
  this IMetaClass metaClass,
  IServiceRequestHandler handler,
  Action<TConcrete, TService> copyValues,
  Action<TConcrete> setValues
  where TConcrete : TService
  where TService : IMetaAspect
  var aspect = handler.GetInstance<TConcrete>();
  var existingAspect = metaClass.Aspects.FirstOfTypeOrDefault<TService>();
  if (existingAspect != null)
    copyValues(aspect, existingAspect);


  return aspect;

And, finally, the caching-specific method looks like this:

public static ClassCacheAspect SetCacheAspectValues(
  this IMetaClass metaClass,
  IServiceRequestHandler handler,
  Action<ClassCacheAspect> setValues)
  return metaClass.UpdateAspect<IClassCacheAspect, ClassCacheAspect>(

Now I don’t have to ever call new for an aspect, but I have to pass in the handler, every single time.

Elements.Classes.Person.SetSuperCacheAspectValues(handler, a => a.Capacity = 1000);

I would have to make sure that the handler (IOC) was available during metadata construction (which it generally isn’t, but could be, via constructor injection on the metadata builder class, e.g.)

I think this is a matter of preference, but given how small the chance is that I would want a different cache aspect to be created—and how easy it is to make my own helper method—then I would opt not to use the IOC, just so I don’t force all callers to (A) have a reference to an IOC around and (B) have an extra parameter that isn’t needed in 99.9% of the cases.

Although, since these are helper methods, there’s nothing stopping anyone from creating the methods I outlined above and using that pattern instead. Perfectly valid to use the IOC there, but a bit uglier to get it down to where it can be used.

#1 − Nice article but …

Marc (updated by Marc)

… what about replacing the aspect implementation with another one? DI came in my mind when reading this article. What about using a IoC container for construction? Maybe with constructor injection?

Cheers, Marc

#1 − Nice post!

(Attached to Article ABD: Refactoring and refining an API)

#1 − Sounds familiar


ASP.Net 5 (aka vNext) does some parts very similar. See here …
Cheers, Marc

#1 − 7.17 Sample 2


In this sample the Where() could be replaced with a TypeOf<>() I guess. But yes, I got the point ;-)

#1 − Another clever and succinct solution


This one’s from Chris Meadowcroft:

const string EnglishListPrefix = "{";
const string EnglishListSuffix = "}";
const string IntermediateSeparator = ", ";
const string LastSeparator = " and ";
static string BuildStringWithEnglishListSyntax(IEnumerable<string> itemsEnumerable)
  StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(EnglishListPrefix);
  using(IEnumerator<string> items = itemsEnumerable.GetEnumerator())
    if(items.MoveNext())  // make sure it's not an empty list
      bool isFirstString = true;
      bool isLastString = false;
        string current = items.Current;
        isLastString = !items.MoveNext();
          result.Append(isLastString ? LastSeparator : IntermediateSeparator);
          isFirstString = false;
   return result.ToString();
(Attached to Article Elegant Code vs.(?) Clean Code)

#1 − wow


surprised that he really recommend to use com-automation at all. its shaky even für interactive winform-apps. but using com-automation in app?!?!? … don’t know how they get fogbugz stable at all using these techniques…

(Attached to Article Office Formats)

#2 − Try the up arrow …




Wildcards are a way to provide partial support for propert generics, in which—if B inherits from A—List<B> also inherits from List<A>. In both Java and C#, this is not the case, which makes passing generic parameters all the more difficult.

The where keyword in C# corresponds to the extends keyword in Java. It indicates that the actual generic parameter must conform to the given base type (which can be a class or an interface). In your example, the implementation of the generic class may call any features defined in MYBASETYPE on MYTYPE.

(Attached to Article Wildcard Generics)

#1 − just to get sure


hi marco,

just to get things the right way (as i don’t know java very well):

is this wildcard-thing the same as the “WHERE” in C# 2?

For example:

public class A<MYTYPE>


have to try your examples above in the c# and see if i get this working as well as it looks like a nice exercise for rainy weekends like this ;-)

cheers, marc

(Attached to Article Wildcard Generics)

#1 − Cool one !

Didn’t know that.
So, we definitivly should cancel IE ;-)
btw: i am missing a “thumbs up” image for the comments :)

cheers, marc