Zulu Spaghetti Sauce
The Zulu sauce has a dozen or so ingredients and is pretty hard to find, but very tasty. If you search “Ukuva Zulu Fire Sauce” online, you might find a local vendor. The sauce itself isn’t very hot, but has quite a strong flavor—hence the addition of so much tomato sauce to stabilize it.
Serves a lot. Just look at the ingredients. You’ll be eating it for days.
- One jar Zulu Sauce
- 3 jars Basilico
- 500g Beef
- 2 peppers
- 2 onions (medium-sized)
- 1-2 tbsp red pepper flakes
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- Cook meat in a pot
- Slice up vegetables into whichever shapes make you happy
- Cook down vegetables in olive oil in a separate pan and add to the meat
- Pour in jars of sauces
- Sprinkle in hot pepper flakes (to taste)
- Stir and let simmer for 45 minutes
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