I have more than two decades of experience as a professional software developer, systems architect and technical project manager. I'm interested in high-quality solutions to tough problems. I co-founded Encodo Systems AG almost a dozen years ago.
My focus has always been on generalization and DRY using metadata and common libraries. I've written four frameworks over the years, in C#, C++, Delphi and PHP.
Systems Architect
Design back-end and front-systems. Integration with existing systems. Maintainable. Extendable. Understandable.
Full Stack Developer
Comfortable and experienced in writing high-performance, readable code in various languages and with various frameworks, libraries and technologies.
Technical Project Manager
Collect and create requirements. Manage issues and releases.
Trainer & Educator
Plan and execute trainings for small- to medium-sized teams. Write technical documentation and share knowledge via code reviews and frequent blogging.
Our goal at Encodo is to build interesting and useful software. I've worked on many projects with a wide range
of technologies and target platforms. Our emphasis is on using the best, most appropriate tools for the job.
C#, Winforms, WPF, Web API, TypeScript, Less, React
A metadata-centric framework to develop client and service applications. Includes an ORM, automated schema-migration, generated user interfaces and much more.
Alps Handoff Training
C#, Quino, Web API, TypeScript, Less, Knockout
Created presentations and tutorials and presented a 5-day training to onboard a small team.
A personal finance manager with integration into various online banking systems.
Crealogix MUX Training
HTML 5, JavaScript, Less/Css
Created a framework recommendation for a web-based project. Created presentations and tutorials and presented a 5-day training to onboard a small team.
Roche HTML5 Training
HTML 5, JavaScript, Less/Css
Created presentations and tutorials and presented a 3-day, HTML5 introduction and training with a focus on architecture.
Roche MUA
HTML 5, JavaScript, Less/Css
A full-fledged port of a Silverlight user-assistance application to HTML for mobile devices.
A document management system for organizing materials related to the Quintessenz system.
Technical PM
Roche UA
Peak6 Launchpad
PoC Raiffeisen
Fides Reporting Engine
Fides Reporting Engine
Fides Client
Fides Client
Opus Software GmbH
October 2002—August 2005
I moved from New York City to Switzerland to work for Opus, where I went back to working with Object Pascal and Delphi.
Architect, Lead Developer
Delphi Pascal, VCL
A metadata-centric framework to develop client and service applications. Included an ORM, automated schema-migration, generated user interfaces and much more.
SQL Server Data Driver
Lead Developer
Delphi Pascal, SQL Server 2000
A data driver for Atlas for SQL Server databases.
Allbase Data Driver
Lead Developer
Delphi Pascal, HP Allbase
A data driver for Atlas for HP Allbase databases.
Dialba 2000
Delphi Pascal, VCL, Btrieve/Powerflex
Support and enhancements for a feature-rich and powerful banking front-end written with Atlas.
Atlas Startup
Lead Developer
Delphi Pascal
A flexible and declarative configuration and startup system for Atlas applications.
Atlas Logging
Lead Developer
Delphi Pascal
Add configurable and semantic/information-rich logging for Atlas applications.
earthli Projects 2.5
Lead Developer
Install and support earthli Projects as issue-tracker for Opus. Improve emails and subscriptions. Enrich job/issue data with multiple branch statuses.
Sql Server Data Driver
Allbase Data Driver
Dialba 2000
Atlas Startup
Atlas Logging
earthli Projects 2.5
Logicat, Inc.
August 1994—August 2002
I moved from upstate New York to New York City to start my professional career at Logicat as a developer.
A web-based application with reports, reminders and statements for lawyers to track and manage continuing-education credits and licenses.
Logicat Online Testing
Lead Developer
Visual C++ 6, IIS 5, SQL Server 2000, HTML/CSS/JS
An HTML-based testing platform for online learning solutions.
One-on-One with the SAT 2
Project Manager, Architect, Lead Developer
Visual C++ 6, MFC, Win32, Metrowerks CodeWarrior 5, Macintosh Toolbox
Add full cross-platform support for Mac OS 9/Windows 95/98 for the Logicat Test Engine (including full renderer and file-format abstraction). Authors had significant scripting/formatting/layouting control.
Logicat Test Engine
Project Manager, Architect, Lead Developer
Visual C++ 6, MFC, Win32
Extended ELF with sounds, images, videos, forms and event-based scripting to build a feature-rich and powerful testing framework. Initial content was for a BNL (Brookhaven National Labs) training manual.
Logicat CPA Review Software Live Courses
Architect, Lead Developer
Visual C++ 5, MFC, Win32, Delphi 3, OLE/COM
Integrate study plan, calendar and PowerPoint presentations to support/enhance live instruction.
Performance Transfer Utility
Lead Developer
Delphi 2.0, Wise 5.0, HTML/CSS
A hardware copy-protection utility for Logicat CPA Review with custom installer and detailed (100-page) manual.
Logicat CPA Review
Architect, Lead Developer
Visual C++ 4.1/5, MFC, Win32, ELF
A rewrite of the popular PassMaster DOS program for Windows 95 using ELF.
ELF (Extended Logicat Format)
Architect, Lead Developer
Borland Delphi 2, Microsoft Visual C++ 4.1
A content pipeline and rendering library that included a markup language, RTF parser and structured binary document format/database.
PassMaster CPA Review Web Site
Lead Developer
JavaScript, HTML, Delphi
An online demonstration of some of the functionality of the DOS-based PassMaster CPA review software.
One-on-One with the SAT Counselor Utility
—Nov 1995
Lead Developer
Borland Object Pascal 7, Win32
A management and reporting utility for multi-user, networked school distributions of One-on-One with the SAT.
One-on-One with the SAT
Aug 1994—Sep 1995
Borland Object Pascal 7, Win32
The official College Board SAT-preparation tool for Windows 3.1/95.
Course Administrator
Logicat CE Manager
Online Testing
One-on-One with the SAT 2.0
Logicat Test Engine
CPA Live Courses
Performance Transfer
Logicat CPA Review
PassMaster Web
Counselor Utility
One-on-One with the SAT
Personal Projects
January 1998—present
I built and continue to maintain all of the software to run my web site. I've also started and participated in open-source projects over the years.