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Response to an interview request in wealth-management

Published by marco on

 I received a request to interview for a job in wealth-management some time back. I’ve been responding to every request, just to be polite (recruiters are people, man), and usually I send a boilerplate text. Usually “the job sounds like it would be a great fit, but I’m not looking” is honest enough, but for this position, that wasn’t true. So I wrote the following instead,

Instead of just writing “No”, I’ll give you my reasons.

  1. I am very happy with my current position.
  2. I am not interested in working in wealth management. My personal philosophy is that I wish that such a thing didn’t exist and/or wasn’t so lucrative. I’m hoping that, maybe, as a job consultant, it would be good for you to hear feedback that these kinds of jobs aren’t appealing to all of us just because they might promise a lot of money. I’d rather apply my skills to something more useful, if possible. I currently have the luxury of sticking to that principle. If the wealth managers of the world succeed in their wealth-consolidation, then maybe I’ll have to consider working for them just to put bread on the table. Until then, though, I hope to avoid supporting them. 😒

I’ll let you know if anything changes in that regard. I very much appreciate the inquiry, though!

I actually heard back. The mail started with,

“Thanks so much for getting back to me, much appreciated!

“And thank you for describing your point of view! I totally understand, moreover, maybe I’d have the same opinion if I were you. The idea of being useful to the whole planet is something that has its own place in my heart.”