Hypocrisy of Olympic propoportions (1 of 69)

Published by marco on

The article Israel and Russia Have No Place in the 2024 Paris Olympics by Jules Boykoff & Dave Zirin (Jacobin) writes,

 In November, an IOC spokesperson insisted that Russia presented “a unique situation and cannot be compared to any other war or conflict in the world.” The statement beggars belief. Both Russia and Israel are engaged in asymmetrical warfare, attacking civic infrastructure and private residences and leaving a long trail of civilian deaths and casualties.”

The authors’ statements beggar belief. Did they write this with only the NYT as a source? The Russian and Israeli conflicts are not in any way comparable as far as targeting civilians goes. The Russian conflict is grinding and illegal, but it has killed far, far fewer civilians than Israel’s conflict in Gaza, which seems to have the intent of killing civilians until the others run away. All wars are horrible, but some wars are worse than others. No invasion is justified, but why is the Russian one invasion the only one that causes people to think about banning the invading country’s athletes? Is it because it’s easy?

“At all costs, IOC president Thomas Bach does not want to offend the United States, which is scheduled to host the 2028 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles and is all but certain to host the 2034 Winter Games in Salt Lake City.”

They write this as if that statement doesn’t completely obviate all of the rest of their reasoning about principles. Are they going to mention how ludicrous it is to speak of morals when the U.S. should have never—at least in my lifetime—been allowed to participate, by these standards? These are standards that I agree to, by the way! It’s just that we always hear about standards in relation to any country that does not run the Empire where the journalist lives.

Just to be clear: there are two authors on this article and neither one of them could clean up this dumpster-fire of an article to have a principled through-line.

“There is no moral rationale undergirding the IOC’s hypocrisy when it comes to Israel and Russia.”

AND AMERICA MOST OF ALL. JFC. Blind spot much? The U.S. funds Israel. The U.S. bombing a dozen countries right now, its drones are everywhere, killing indiscriminately. it sanctions dozens more to economic death. It just started a new war on Yemen, actively bombing them itself after funding and arming Saudi Arabia to do it for eight years before that. It’s running an $80B-per-year proxy war in Ukraine, and it is actively bombing the three poorest countries in the world. Russia is a piker in comparison.

But even these two authors can’t bring themselves to say that, should the IOC want to espouse actual principles about only supporting non-warring nations, then its primary funder would never be able to participate. That’s why it is, unfortunately, nonsensical to talk about banning countries on principle. Unless the U.S. is included, it would always be banning politically.

“More recently, the IOC banned Afghanistan from the 2000 Sydney Olympics because the Taliban barred women from competing in sports.”

JFC. Just dumping on Afghanistan, as one of the poorest and most-attacked countries on the planet. Living under the Taliban isn’t bad enough? Now you also can’t compete at the Olympics?

“The IOC’s actions raise the question: Is there anything Russia or Israel could do that would get them banned from the Paris Games?”

The authors are really irritating me. I guess Nation writers really do work for Empire.

While we’re on the subject: was France or Great Britain ever punished for having torn Libya to shreds? I expect more of Dave Zirin, to be honest. I wouldn’t have expected this kind of tone-deaf take from him.

“Zelensky is aware of the IOC’s pivotal role in all this. In February, he said , “The International Olympic Committee needs honesty,” but added, “honesty it has unfortunately lost.””

Now they’re citing that idiot like he matters. He’s a literal dictator. He has banned elections indefinitely. There are no plans for elections in Ukraine. Most other political parties have been banned. Almost all media organizations have been banned. Ukraine conscrips soldiers into a meat-grinder of a war that they’re running terribly. Ukraine bombs its own citizens. His regime is riddled with right-wing extremists, if not outright Nazis. But, sure, let’s hear what he has to say about how the IOC is the biggest problem. Let’s read how these two fools cite him talking about how other people aren’t honest. Honestly, how in the tank can you possibly be for the U.S. regime? Do these two not see that they’re trying to get the IOC to be a mouthpiece for Empire?

“The IOC, if it acted against Russia, would no doubt be accused of profound hypocrisy. There are many countries over the decades — such as the United States during the Vietnam War or the Iraq War — that deserved sanction and exclusion from the Olympics, but the IOC remained silent. To penalize Russia, they will argue, is nothing more than a double standard: US foreign policy wrapped in Olympic bunting.

Finally! Too little, late. And the formulation indicates that they’re going to dismiss this statement in the final few paragraphs.

“It’s about standing up to Russia and Israel because, whether the Olympic athlete wants it or not, their success would be folded into nationalism and the war effort.

Bullshit. It’s about writing this article now rather when the U.S. invades. How does that statement not apply to the U.S.? HOW?

“We should demand consistency and accountability from the IOC. Now is the time for the group to abide by its own stated standards. Russia, in the name of Ukraine, has no place in the Games. Israel, in the name of Gaza, has no place in the Games.”

And the U.S. In the name of Yemen.

Look, I don’t think the IOC should ban athletes from any country. I think we need more places for countries to meet on neutral ground, without judging each and every citizen of the country for the crimes of its government. That’s the leeway that the U.S. has had for decades, going on a century. The fans may have something to say, but you should at least let the athletes participate. God knows it’s one of the few channels for diplomacy remaining. And these two foolish authors would rather convert it into another weapon to point at the U.S.‘s official enemies.

The IOC is corrupt from top to bottom. It always has been. There is no use arguing for principles now. The entire article made no sense, but I fear that it got so much knee-jerk support from exactly the crowd it was written for: unthinking, uninformed, quasi-liberal, affluent Biden-voters.