Brewing Tea on the Enterprise (136 of 254)

Published by marco on

 Star Trek Flat affords you a look into a world few know: geek interior design.

What do you do if you’ve got a lot of time on your hands, considerable do-it-yourself skills, a bunch of cash and no friends in sight?

You redesign your entire apartment so that it looks like the inside of the Starship Enterprise

 When you’re done, you try to sell it (EBay) for a million bucks and see if you can find a rich, lazy geek who wants to live in England.

I was going to name the article, “How not to get laid in the 24th Century” or something coy like that, but … well … damn, but the screenshots look good. A lot of them are in pretty tight and the design seems to hold up under close scrutiny. Hell, the apartment’s only 500 square feet (about 45 square meters), but all of the gadgetry makes it look way bigger. It looks there’s a whole starship attached to it. The first picture (above) is actually the kitchen — you can see the teapot just left of center.

If you read his short bio, you find that not only does he live in a Star Trek apartment, he’s an unemployed DJ. That explains the disco ball in the living room. Ladies … you’d better email him before someone else snatches him up.

Damn. I thought I’d get through this one without a snarky joke. Oh well.