Only the Best (337 of 714)

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Updated by marco on

The protest footage starts off promising, with the happy chant and music. A few seconds in, the lyrics are translated from the Hebrew as “bomb a ghetto, raise a cheer”. The event was attended by both New York Senator Charles Schumer and New York Governor David Paterson. If Hillary hadn’t been interviewing for her new job[1], she would doubtless have been there, dancing.

Pro-Israel Against Gaza by Max Blumenthal (YouTube)

Choice quotes from the interviewees in the street are:

“Nothing good is going to come of this; they’ve got to keep fighting until they wipe them all out. […] They gotta go strong with this.”
“There’s only one way to deal with a cancer: you burn it out or remove it.”
“They are forcing us to kill their children to defend our children. Yes.”

Teenage girl: It’s a repeat.
Blumenthal: It’s a repeat of the Holocaust?
Teenage girl: Yeah?![2]
Blumenthal: How?
Teenage girl: Umm … we’re being persecuted again?! For the trillionth time ever.
Blumenthal: So, we’re fighting a second war against … against a Nazi?
Teenage girl: Yeah. It’s a double of the Holocaust.

Man: If Hamas can’t differentiate between civilians and army, then we don’t have to either. I think we should go with all force and go in and get them all.
Blumenthal: So, what if Israel just wiped Gaza off the map? What would be so wrong with that?
Man: Ummm… (hesitates for long seconds) … (video ends)

[1] An interview in which she dutifully rattled sabers at Iran for nuclear weapons. Plus ça change…
[2] The girl uses the oh-so-popular and highly annoying speech inflection that involves a rising nasal intonation at the end of every statement that turns it into a question, as if everything she says is obvious. I’ve decided to misuse the poor-man’s interrobang to signify this.