Learning Quino: a roadmap for documentation and tutorials (87 of 275)

Published by marco on

Note: this article was originally published at Encodo.com in July, 2018.

In recent articles, we outlined a roadmap to .NET Standard and .NET Core and a roadmap for deployment and debugging. These two roadmaps taken together illustrate our plans to extend as much of Quino as possible to other platforms (.NET Standard/Core) and to make development with Quino as convenient as possible (getting/upgrading/debugging).

To round it off, we’ve made good progress on another vital piece of any framework: documentation.

Introducing docs.encodo.ch

We recently set up a new server to host Quino documentation. There, you can find documentation for current releases. Going forward, we’ll also retain documentation for any past releases.

We’re generating our documentation with DocFX, which is the same system that powers Microsoft’s own documentation web site. We’ve integrated documentation-generation as a build step in Quino’s nightly build on TeamCity, so it’s updated every night (Zürich time)[1].

The documentation includes conceptual documentation which provides an overview/tutorials/FAQ for basic concepts in Quino. The API Reference includes comprehensive documentation about the types and methods available in Quino.

Next Steps

While we’re happy to announce that we have publicly available documentation for Quino, we’re aware that we’ve got work to do. The next steps are:

Even though there’s still work to do, this is a big step in the right direction. We’re very happy to have found DocFX, which is a very comprehensive, fast and nice-looking solution to generating documentation for .NET code.[2]

[1] If the build succeeds, naturally. :-)
[2] We used to use Sandcastle many years ago, but dropped support because it took forever to generate documentation, required its own solution file, didn’t look very nice out-of-the-box, wasn’t so easily customized and didn’t have a very good search (which also didn’t work without an IIS running it).