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Drive right or left?

Published by marco on

 Which side of the road do they drive on? explains exactly that. It covers, in fascinating detail, which countries of the world drive on which side of the road. The map to the left is from the site and shows right-driving countries in yellow and left-driving countries in red. Don’t be fooled by the appearance of surface area, though:

“Having often encountered the implicit assumption that everyone but England and some of her colonies drive on the right side of the road, I compiled … a quick table of populations to provide a clue as to just how evenly the sides are represented. As it turns out, some 4 billion people drive right, and 2 billion drive left (when they drive at all that is). So a goodly third of the world drives on the left.”

As far as actual road surface goes, the page says that “Almost three-quarters of the world’s highways are found in countries where traffic drives on the right.” There are a lot of stories and fun facts covered here, from escalators to planes, trains and boats.