Set a Git Tag on Azure (58 of 278)

Published by marco on

As with installing a dotnet tool on Azure, there isn’t a standard task for setting a Git tag from a pipeline YAML configuration. The Pipeline UI has an option to easily do this, but that hasn’t translated to a task yet, nor does it look like it’s likely to, according to online discussions.

Setting a Git tag is relatively straightforward, but is complicated by permissions (as with installing a dotnet tool. To tag a build, you have to just execute the git commands in a script.

  − task: CmdLine@2
    displayName: Push Git Tag
      script: |
        git tag $(Build.BuildNumber)
        git push origin $(Build.BuildNumber)

If, for whatever reason, you want the tag to be created by the triggering user, then include the following lines as well:

  − task: CmdLine@2
    displayName: Push Git Tag
      script: |
        git config $env:BUILD_REQUESTEDFOREMAIL
        git config $env:BUILD_REQUESTEDFOR
        git tag $(Build.BuildNumber)
        git push origin $(Build.BuildNumber)

You should include this step after the version number has been updated.

With the task in place, you have to ensure that you’ve granted permissions to the proper user.

  1. Go to the “project settings”
  2. Select “Repos/Repositories”
  3. Select the “Permissions” tab
  4. Allow the specific permission “Contribute” for the “Project Collection Build Service” user.[1]

 Granting Repository Permissions

[1] Note: granting the permission to “Project Collection Build Service Accounts” or “[Project Name] Build Services” had no noticeable effect.