Planning complex software processes (262 of 278)

Published by marco on

I’ve recently written a new startup system for my company’s main software library. The technology on which it’s based is documented in the white paper, Describing Multi-step Processes. The abstract is below:

“Discusses the properties and requirements of multi-stage tasks or processes. Addresses the challenges associated with maintaining and customizing complex hierarchies of tasks by using a declarative approach which concerns itself less with the absolute ordering of steps within a task and more with explicitly specifying the implicit requirements or preconditions for each step. This more free-form approach to building a process allows fine-grained querying of the success or failure of individual steps or groups of steps. It also requires a developer to specify only as much about the process as its complexity demands, with as little scaffolding as possible, which vastly increases scalability. Includes a simple and powerful task- and language-independent API.”