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Google Maps: Web Applications done right


<img attachment="pizza_kg_ny.png" class="frame" align="left"><a href="">Mapping Google</a> is an in-depth examination of <a href="">Google Maps</a>, a new web application that searches the US graphically. There are follow-up articles in <a href="">Making the Back Button dance</a> and <a href="">Still more Fun with Maps</a>. The series of articles covers the techniques Google used to bring a full-fledged, usable application to a web browser. What's so special about it? It feels like a desktop application: <div style="margin-left: 220px"> <ul> Drag the image and it scrolls Click a pushpin and get more information Objects throw shadows for a "real" look and feel Controls blend in and out of the interface Works in all browsers (Opera needs to identify as Opera) Doesn't use a plugin like Java Uses open web standards Uses dynamic data retrieval using AJAX </ul> </div> Since it's introduction, Google has added a satellite map feature that overlays the map with satellite data; zoom in as far as possible and see individual cars parked next to the store you're looking for. It's really cool, it's really fast and it's the future of web applications.