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The Onion News Network


The Daily Show and the Colbert Report aren't the only games in town anymore. The Onion, which started as an actual physical newspaper before migrating online, has a lot of audio and video content available, as well. The <a href="">video content</a> is incredibly well-produced and is designed to inspire the same "wait a this real?" feeling as some of its better news articles do. They have a few recurring themes, covering sports, political news and even a morning show. Here are a few of the better recent ones: <dl dt_class="field"> Politics: <a href="">Gunman Kills 15 Potential Voters In Crucial Swing State</a><fn> Includes analysis like <iq>...four of the dead were Democrats, seven were Republicans and six were not of voting age and hence not of consequence. [...] So, the Obama campaign has got to be excited about the outcome of this massive killing spree so far [...] That's right, as of now, looking good for the Democrats, but there are still three bodies remaining to be identified.</iq> Don't pretend you would know right away that this was fake if it ever made its way on to local news. Sports: <a href="">Yankees Building New Vacation Stadium In The Hamptons</a> A must-see for any angry New Yorker who thinks that the Yankees might be just a wee bit spoiled. The <iq>new $900 billion stadium would be somewhere the team can go to get away from the stifling New York City summers and unwind. [...] There's even an attached marina where the players can dock their yachts during games.</iq> Morning Show: <a href="">Today Now!: How To Pretend You Give A Shit About The Election</a> <div>The presidential election is a time of stress for those who feel that they're being browbeaten into participating, making election day <iq>a very difficult day for the millions of us who just couldn't care less.</iq> The morning anchor is wondefully uninformed, even stumbling over the parties: <bq quote_style="none">(Host) For example, what if they ask you if you're a D-, Dem- ... (Consultant) Democrat. (Host) Right, or the other one. What do you do?</bq></div> Politics: <a href="">Portrayal Of Obama As Elitist Hailed As Step Forward For African Americans</a> <iq>Twenty years ago, it would have been inconceivable that the media portray a black man as being out of touch with the working class. [...] Dr. King's dream is now a reality. [...] That a black man is seen as <i>too good</i> for people is a huge step forward.</iq> </dl> You can even subscribe to the <a href="">newsfeed</a> through iTunes or some other media player to have the latest videos delivered as they're published. <hr> <ft>Watch the crawl right at the beginning for a brutal shot at Senator Lieberman: <iq>New congressional bill actually just a list of reasons Joe Lieberman is a stupid f&%#ing c%#t</iq>. Crude, but oh so true.</ft>