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A list of lesser-known OS X keyboard shortcuts


The post <a href="" source="StackExchange">Please share your hidden OS X features or tips and tricks</a> yielded a treasure trove of keyboard shortcuts, some of which I knew and many that I'd never heard of or had long ago forgotten. I collected, condensed and organized the ones I found the most useful below. <h>Finder & Open/Save dialogs</h> <ul> <kbd>(-cmd)</kbd> + <kbd>(-shift)</kbd> + <kbd>G</kbd> shows a location bar where you can type a path (<kbd>/</kbd> or <kbd>~</kbd> also works in Open/Save). This text field supports <kbd>~</kbd> for the home directory and has rudimentary tab-completion. <kbd>(-cmd)</kbd> + <kbd>R</kbd> reveals the currently selected item in a new Finder window. <kbd>(-cmd)</kbd> + <kbd>(-opt)</kbd> + <kbd>L</kbd> selects your <c>~/Downloads</c> folder. <kbd>(-cmd)</kbd> + <kbd>(-shift)</kbd> + <kbd>></kbd> shows/hides hidden files and folders (Open/Save dialogs only). Dragging and dropping a file or folder into an Open/Save window re-targets that window on that file or folder </ul> <h>Managing applications</h> <ul> Press <kbd>(-cmd)</kbd> + <kbd>tab</kbd> to cycle through open applications. Press <kbd>(-cmd)</kbd> + <kbd>~</kbd> (or <kbd><</kbd> depending on keyboard layout) to cycle through open windows in the currently selected application. While cycling, you can press <kbd>q</kbd> to quit the highlighted application or <kbd>h</kbd> to hide it Press <kbd>(-cmd)</kbd> + <kbd>(-opt)</kbd> + <kbd>esc</kbd> to show a dialog that lets you force unresponsive applications to quit (you can even relaunch the Finder) Hold down <kbd>(-cmd)</kbd> while clicking a dock icon to reveal that application in the Finder </ul> <h>Managing your Mac</h> <ul> Hold down <kbd>(-opt)</kbd> while clicking the "apple" menu on the top-left to execute commands (e.g. "Log out", "Shut down") without a confirmation dialog Press <kbd>ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>(-cmd)</kbd> + <kbd>(-opt)</kbd> + <kbd>(-eject)</kbd> to shut down Press <kbd>(-cmd)</kbd> + <kbd>(-opt)</kbd> + <kbd>(-eject)</kbd> to put the computer to sleep Press <kbd>ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>(-shift)</kbd> + <kbd>(-eject)</kbd> to put the <i>display</i> to sleep Press <kbd>ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>(-cmd)</kbd> + <kbd>(-eject)</kbd> to restart </ul> <h>Screenshots</h> <ul> <kbd>(-cmd)</kbd> + <kbd>(-shift)</kbd> + <kbd>4</kbd> lets you select an area to highlight and saves the screenshot to the desktop <kbd>(-cmd)</kbd> + <kbd>(-shift)</kbd> + <kbd>4</kbd> + <kbd>space</kbd> lets you select an entire window, the dock, menu bar, etc. This will also include the drop shadow with transparency in the PNG screenshot. Hold down <kbd>ctrl</kbd> with either of these to copy to the clipboard instead </ul> <h>Volume controls</h> <ul> Hold down <kbd>(-shift)</kbd> while adjusting the volume to mute the volume-changing sound (useful when adjusting volume during a call). Hold down <kbd>(-shift)</kbd> + <kbd>(-opt)</kbd> while adjusting the volume to adjust in quarter-increments. Hold down <kbd>(-opt)</kbd> while clicking the "sounds" menu-bar item to show a menu that lets you select the input/output devices without opening preferences </ul> <h>Screen & Brightness</h> <ul> Hold down <kbd>(-shift)</kbd> + <kbd>(-opt)</kbd> while adjusting the <i>brightness</i> to adjust in quarter-increments. Hold down <kbd>ctrl</kbd> while scrolling with two fingers or the mouse wheel to zoom in/out on the entire screen </ul> <h>Menu-bar items</h> <ul> Hold down <kbd>(-opt)</kbd> while clicking the "bluetooth" or "wi-fi" menu-bar items to show a menu with more details about your connection, including options to show/generate diagnostics. Hold down <kbd>(-opt)</kbd> while clicking the "notifications" icon to toggle it on/off </ul>