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Serious Legos


<a href=""><img class="frame" align="left" src="{data}/news/old_attachments/images/cubesolver.jpg" alt="CubeSolver"></a><a href="">Serious Lego</a> is dedicated to inventions using the "Lego Mindstorms" robot-building kits. This person, JP Brown has built the most incredible creatures using just Legos and the Mindstorms kits. One of the more impressive ones is the <a href="">CubeSolver</a>, which uses a WebCam and custom color-recognition software written in C++ and VB5 that solves a standard 3x3x3 Rubik's Cube <i>by itself!</i> There are a lot of other models on this site, including <a href="">K9</a>, a dog that plays fetch, <a href="">HanoiSolver</a>, a robot that solves the "Towers of Hanoi" puzzle, and even <a href="">GliderPilot</a>, a Lego unit that can fly a customized hang glider. Many of these inventions involve customized programming.