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Class - Friday August 23, 2002


<h>Warmups</h><ol> Shadow boxing 30 regular pushups 30 diamond pushups 35 regular crunches (legs up) 35 bicycle crunches 35 leg raises 100 jumping jacks 100 knee bends 5 squat thrusts 5 squat thrusts with a jump at the end 5 squat thrusts with a pushup in the middle and a jump at the end </ol><h>Drills</h><ol> Mirror drill - person leading attacks with straight lead, either snap away or curve out and hit (intercept) Single direct attack drill - straight lead, backfist, lead hook, shovel hook, cross (or rear straight) Combination drill - low straight to high straight, low straight to backfist, straight lead to low hook, straight lead to uppercut standing drills (or live round, if you're good enough)<ol> straight lead, opponent returns straight lead, you slip to the inside, return a straight lead to cross straight lead to cross, opponent returns cross, slip to the outside, return a hook, cross, hook straight lead (jab) to hook, opponent returns lead hook, bob and weave (get the shot it to the stomach, just a swipe), return a cross, hook, cross </ol> Seven for seven - straight lead; straight lead, cross; straight lead, cross, hook; straight lead, cross, hook, cross; straight lead, cross, hook, cross, hook; etc. --- do seven sets. </ol>