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Class - Sunday, September 29, 2002


Shadow boxing 15 squat thrusts 20 Reg push ups cat stretch 20 wide cat stretch 20 diamond cat stretch 30 crunches legs down 30 Bicycles 30 jack-knives Stretch up (3) 90 J Jacks 90 Knee bends mirror drill with kicking shield, when opponent moves in, fire a hook kick mirror drill with kicking shield, when opponent moves in, fire a side kick live round: sl, sl-bf, lsl-uc, sl-lh-hh live round (same as before, but ending in cross): sl, sl-bf-c, lsl-uc-c, sl-lh-hh-c Remember to line up the feet on the cross, squaring the shoulders and the feet, then return quickly to Bai-Jong Ji-Tek drills: Get in stance, drop on shock, lift front foot to toe, bring front hand in to protect ribs, rear hand stays in front of face, drop back. Same thing as above, but now lift the leg and bring the heel into position for a stop-hit. The rear foot swivels in place as it drops on the shock, pointing back and the hips rotate to bring the striking heel into alignment. Now, with shin gaurd, use the technique in a live round: Mirror drill, when opponent steps in, Ji-Tek (stop-hit) Mirror drill, when opponent slides in, Ji-Tek (stop-hit) Hold focus mitt in rear hand, kicking shield along side for a rear-leg roundhouse. Keep the shin guard on. When the opponent thinks you're close enough, he will: <ol> kick with the ball of the foot to the shin (keep eyes up though) jab-cross-jab (remember to swivel the hips and align the feet properly) rear-leg roundhouse (person holding pads moves back slightly to adjust distance, simulating having been hit by the preceding punch combination) </ol>