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Class − Wednesday August 21, 2002

Published by marco on


  1. Shadow boxing
  2. 10 Squat thrusts with 5 pushups on each one
  3. 35 crunches (legs up)
  4. 35 left over right
  5. 35 right over left
  6. 25 leg raises
  7. 100 jumping jacks
  8. 60 calf raises
  9. 10 squat jumps


  1. Mirror drill − 3 minutes
  2. 20 Inverted hook kicks
  3. 2 minutes practice spinning back kick
  4. 2 minutes practice spinning hook kick
  5. Pak sau, opponent resists, go to lop outside
  6. lop outside, opponent resists, go to pak sau
  7. opponent paks, you pull back to avoid the pak and pak the opponent
  8. Low straight lead to high straight lead to rear straight
  9. straight lead to hook kick to jab/cross/jab