21 years Ago
Class − Wednesday August 14, 2002
Published by marco on
- 25 squat jumps
- 25 regular pushups
- 25 wide pushups
- 25 diamond pushups
- 35 crunches (legs up)
- 35 bicycles
- 25 leg raises
- hold legs 6 inches off ground for 45 seconds
- Stretch up
- Mirror drill − 3 minutes
- Front hand education − straight lead/backfist, straight lead/hook, hook/backfist, low straight to high straight
- Knife drill − standing in place, practice 5 angles of attack
- Knife drill − with a partner, parry (meet) 5 angles of attack with the same angle, going back and forth... [More]
Class on Monday September 2nd, 2002
Published by marco on
This was a private, only two participants and the second one showing up late. No bowing in was necessary.
As a private lesson, student requests determined what was practiced, and here is what your correspondent retained as lessons:
- hook kicks
- practiced next to the wall, just hitting the thigh of the partner. Due to the wall, the leg has to come up straight, but when veering into the target, the trajectory is nearly parrallel to the floor. It is important to twist the hips before the rear... [More]
Class − Thursday, October 3, 2002 − Swan Song :-(
Published by marco on
- Shadow boxing
- 75 jumping jacks
- 25 pushups
- cat stretch
- 25 wide pushups
- cat stretch
- 10 reverse negative pushups (start low, not on the ground, push up to halfway on the count, back down when say ‘down’)
- cat stretch
- 25 bicycles
- 15 crunches with legs pulling in as well (like jacknives, but collapsed)
- stretch up (3)
- 20 Squat jumps
- Tiny break
- 10 squat thrusts
Live Round
Go for about 3 minutes apiece:
- Straight Lead
- Straight Lead/Backfist
- Straight Lead/Uppercut
- Straight Lead/Hook (high)
... [More]
22 years Ago
Class on Thursday, Dec 5th
Published by kavorka on
Warm ups:
20 regular pushups
20 wide pushups
10 reverse negative pushups. go down and dont touch floor, go up half way and hold there till told to come down
35 crunches legs up
35 bicycles
1 minute legs raised 6 inches. after 20 sec, go from straight legs to legs wide apart
70 jumping jacks
95 squats
20 squat thrusts
some footwork exercises, usual combinations.
Exercises with gloves on:
avoidance drill: partner comes with a jab, avoid by snap away, catch, slip, cork screw
drill to practive... [More]
23 years Ago
Class − Sunday, September 29, 2002
Published by marco on
Shadow boxing
15 squat thrusts
20 Reg push ups
cat stretch
20 wide
cat stretch
20 diamond
cat stretch
30 crunches legs down
30 Bicycles
30 jack-knives
Stretch up (3)
90 J Jacks
90 Knee bends
mirror drill with kicking shield, when opponent moves in, fire a hook kick
mirror drill with kicking shield, when opponent moves in, fire a side kick
live round: sl, sl-bf, lsl-uc, sl-lh-hh
live round (same as before, but ending in cross): sl, sl-bf-c, lsl-uc-c, sl-lh-hh-c
Remember to line up the feet on... [More]
Published by marco on
Neck − lie flat on back, raise head, twist from side to side for 1 minute
Arms − forearm raises − Get into pushup position, but on the forearms instead…hold for 15 seconds. Lift right arm behind back, hold for 15 seconds. Lift left arm behind back, hold for 15 seconds. Both arms again. Repeat.
Get into stance as quickly as possible on a cue. Do five times into stance going forward, then backward.
step and slide forward twice − 5 times forward, then 5 times backward
slide/step... [More]
Class Monday Sept 16
Published by kavorka on
90 J Jacks
20 Reg push ups
20 wide
20 diamond
30 crunches legs raised
30 L over R
30 R over L
90 Knee bends
live round:
straight lead, back fist, low straight lead, hook
2 sl, bf sl, sl hk, lsl sl
avoidance drills, switch with partner
slip on jab
catch jab parry cross (can also snap away)
catch parry cover
10 hk (hook kick)
10 hk + sl
10 fk (front kick)
10 fk + sl
20 rear leg roundhouse
Class on Wednesday, Sept 18th
Published by kavorka on
10 squat thrusts with 3 pushups
30 crunches legs up
30 bicycles
25 leg raises
80 or so jumping jacks
80 or so knee bends
20 regular pushups
20 diamond pushups
20 wide push ups
25 squat jumps !
footwork drills
slide forward, slide back
slide back, slide forward
slide back, push shovel
(2 or 3 more, cant remember)
single straight lead standing, count of 20 (?)
—be careful not to jam the hand, should connect with vertical fist and straight elbow
straight lead with a push shovel... [More]
Class − Friday August 30, 2002
Published by marco on
- Shadow boxing
- 35 regular crunches (legs up)
- 35 bicycle crunches
- 25 bring legs in and arms up in a crunch, like a jackknife, but with arms and legs tucked
- 25 regular pushups
- 20 diamond pushups
- 10 reverse negative pushups. Go down, just off the floor, raise to halfway and hold until the count, then return to just off the floor again.
- 75 jumping jacks
- 75 knee bends
- 15 squat thrusts with jump
Good exercises to strengthen neck and prevent whiplash in glove drills:
for the neck − lie flat,... [More]
Class − Monday August 26, 2002
Published by marco on
- Shadow boxing
- 25 regular pushups
- 25 wide pushups
- 35 regular crunches (legs up)
- 35 bicycle crunches
- 25 leg raises
- 15 squat thrusts
- 1 minute knee bends
- Practice bob and weave under opponent’s outstretched arms
- Practice slip to the inside and outside
- Combinations − straight lead, straight lead to backfist, straight lead to hook
- Wall drills − Practice slip the straight lead and cross
- Wall drills − Practice mixing up the two
- 15 Rear leg roundhouse
Class − Wednesday August 28, 2002
Published by marco on
- Shadow boxing
- 15 clap pushups
- 30 diamond pushups
- 30 seconds regular crunches (legs up)
- 30 seconds bicycle crunches
- 25 leg raises
- 30 seconds jumping side-to-side over a kicking shield
- 30 seconds rest
- 30 seconds jumping front-to-back over a kicking shield
- 10 squat thrusts
- Mirror drill
- 2 minutes regular
- 2 minutes, with person leading throwing side kick, parry with rear hand and stay as close as possible
- 2 minutes, person leading throws side kick, other person evades (with pat of... [More]
Class − Monday August 19, 2002
Published by marco on
- Shadow boxing
- 1 minute jumping jacks
- 1 minute knee bends
- 1 minute regular crunches (legs up)
- 1 minute bicycle crunches
- 25 regular pushups
- 25 wide pushups
- 45 seconds calf raises
- Practice in the air along the long axis of the room (back and forth)
- Punch combinations (low straight, high straight, hook uppercut, backfist, all straight line punches)
- Kick combinations (hook, side, front, inverted)
- Hand to foot combinations
- Foot to hand combinations
With the kicking shield- front kicks... [More]
Class − Wednesday August 21, 2002
Published by marco on
- Shadow boxing
- 10 Squat thrusts with 5 pushups on each one
- 35 crunches (legs up)
- 35 left over right
- 35 right over left
- 25 leg raises
- 100 jumping jacks
- 60 calf raises
- 10 squat jumps
- Mirror drill − 3 minutes
- 20 Inverted hook kicks
- 2 minutes practice spinning back kick
- 2 minutes practice spinning hook kick
- Pak sau, opponent resists, go to lop outside
- lop outside, opponent resists, go to pak sau
- opponent paks, you pull back to avoid the pak and pak the opponent
- Low straight lead to... [More]
Class − Friday August 23, 2002
Published by marco on
- Shadow boxing
- 30 regular pushups
- 30 diamond pushups
- 35 regular crunches (legs up)
- 35 bicycle crunches
- 35 leg raises
- 100 jumping jacks
- 100 knee bends
- 5 squat thrusts
- 5 squat thrusts with a jump at the end
- 5 squat thrusts with a pushup in the middle and a jump at the end
- Mirror drill − person leading attacks with straight lead, either snap away or curve out and hit (intercept)
- Single direct attack drill − straight lead, backfist, lead hook, shovel hook, cross (or rear straight)... [More]
Class − Wednesday August 14, 2002
Published by marco on
- 25 squat jumps
- 25 regular pushups
- 25 wide pushups
- 25 diamond pushups
- 35 crunches (legs up)
- 35 bicycles
- 25 leg raises
- hold legs 6 inches off ground for 45 seconds
- Stretch up
- Mirror drill − 3 minutes
- Front hand education − straight lead/backfist, straight lead/hook, hook/backfist, low straight to high straight
- Knife drill − standing in place, practice 5 angles of attack
- Knife drill − with a partner, parry (meet) 5 angles of attack with the same angle, going back and forth across... [More]
Class − Monday August 12, 2002
Published by marco on
- 25 squat jumps
- 10 squat thrusts with 5 pushups on each one
- 90 jumping jacks
- 35 crunches (legs up)
- 35 bicycles
- 25 leg raises
- 45 seconds jumping over the kicking shield
- 45 seconds knee bends
- Front hand education − straight lead/backfist, straight lead/hook, hook/backfist, low straight to high straight
- Snap elbow − lead hand
- Down elbow − rear hand
- Straight lead to front knee
- Straight lead to rear knee
- Pak sau to swing the lead arm out, exposing the side, rear shovel hook into... [More]
Class − Unknown Date
Published by marco on
- Shadow box − 2 minutes
- 35 crunches (legs in air)
- 35 crunches, left over right
- 35 crunches, right over left
- 25 leg lifts
- Stretch up (like a seal) 3 times
- 25 diamond pushups
- 10 negative pushups (long)
- 100 jumping jacks
- 25 squat jumps
- Step and slide forward
- Step and slide back
- Step left, step right
- Quick advance
- Standing front kick
- Pendulum front kick
- Quick advance front kick
- Standing hook kick
- Pendulum hook kick
- Quick advance hook kick
- Sensitivity drills − lop inside, lop... [More]
Class − Friday August 9, 2002
Published by marco on
- 50 jumping jacks
- 10 squat thrusts with 5 pushups in the middle of each
- 8 small jumps, hop 3 times (off the ground), then hop once rotating 90° counterclockwise (2 full revolutions)
- jump side-to-side over a kicking shield − 45 seconds
- 30 regular pushups
- 30 wide pushups
Glove Drills
- Jab for jab (You jab, opponent jabs, you jab, opponent hits with *) − passive avoidance: curve, intercept, low straight, snap away
- Jab for jab − low straight only on second jab
- Jab for jab − catch the second... [More]
Class − Wednesday August 7, 2002
Published by marco on
- 165 jumping jacks (15 × 11 people)
- 110 knee bends (10 × 11 people)
- 35 regular crunches
- 35 bicycles
- 25 jack-knives (bring arms and legs up in a crunch)
- 15 squat thrusts
- 25 regular pushups
- 25 wide pushups
- 10 clap pushups
- Front hand education − double straight lead, straight lead to backfist, straight lead to hook, straight lead to uppercut
- Front leg kicks − front kick, hook kick, side kick, inverted hook kick
- Hand to foot drills − straight lead to front, hook and inverted kicks... [More]
Class − Thursday August 15, 2002
Published by marco on
- Neck roll, both sides
- Rotate arms, both ways
- Cross arms (swinging), both ways
- Rotate waist
- Stretch legs outward, standing
- Lean to the right leg, left leg (hold for 20 seconds)
- Forward roll to fall (6)
- Backward roll to standing (6)
- ‘Cockroach’ fall to either side (1 minute)
- Practice sweeps (cockroach landing). Instructor grabs arm and applies backward pressure. Student stays loose. Instructor sweeps rear leg and pushes down. Student breaks fall.
- Get in guard (legs around... [More]