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Class on Thursday, Dec 5th

Published by kavorka on

Warm ups:
20 regular pushups
20 wide pushups
10 reverse negative pushups. go down and dont touch floor, go up half way and hold there till told to come down
35 crunches legs up
35 bicycles
1 minute legs raised 6 inches. after 20 sec, go from straight legs to legs wide apart
70 jumping jacks
95 squats
20 squat thrusts

some footwork exercises, usual combinations.

Exercises with gloves on:

avoidance drill: partner comes with a jab, avoid by snap away, catch, slip, cork screw

drill to practive bob and weave: partner stands with arms stretched out and at your ear level, just bob and weave between the arms, taking care to do the footwork correctly and to come back to stance. Partner remains standing.

avoidance drill with bob and weave and partner coming with left or right hooks. Sifu noted that the footwork with bob and weave allows one to get out of the way of the punch, and if stepping out, at the same time get a positional advantage over opponent since now we are out of the line of attach and in a good position to attack.

avoidance drill + attack: bob and weave a left hook then back fist + cross; slip the jab and go high hook to cross

interception drill: partner comes with hook, this time take the opening and straight lee punch to the face, keep left hand up in case the hook comes through


New 7 for 7 — without gloves
Hook Kick
HK + Straight Lee
HK + SL + Cross
HK + SL + C + Hook
HK + SL + C + H + Back Fist
HK + SL + C + H + BF + Cross
HK + SL + C + H + BF + C + Hook

7 times. Sifu Derek emphasized getting the body mechanics correct instead of the speed. I found the transition from Hook to Back Fist difficult, since I was doing the cross and stepping forward a little bit.