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Name all the countries in the World
<a href="" source="" author="">Sporcle</a> has a lot of fun quizzes, but my favorite is <a href="" source="" author="">Countries of the World</a>. After you start the game, you have 15 minutes to type in the English names of all of the internationally recognized states in the world. Not only do you have to actually know them and be able to recall them just by looking at the political boundaries on the map, you have to type pretty quickly to get them all.
A while back, I (well, the wife and I) used this game to try to learn all of the countries. We did pretty well, as you can see from the progression of screenshots below (click to enlarge), but still couldn't get a perfect score---not because we didn't know the country, but because we drew a total blank when trying to figure out which of the 195 countries we'd forgotten.
<div align="center"><img attachment="screen_shot_2010-02-07_at_1.31.14_pm.png" align="left" class="frame" caption="Feburary 7th, 2010"><img attachment="screen_shot_2010-02-08_at_10.22.35_pm.jpg" align="left" class="frame" caption="Feburary 8th, 2010"><img attachment="screen_shot_2010-02-09_at_10.09.12_pm.jpg" align="left" class="frame" caption="Feburary 9th, 2010"></div>
In order to get that far, we'd basically worked a blocking system, where we filled out all of the South American countries, then Caribbean, then European, then African and so on. The problem with that system is that, if you forget a country, it's really hard to see that you did. In the end, we were missing "Thailand".