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Low-cost Airlines (an Ode in Song)
The comedy/cabaret troupe <a href="">Fascinating Aida</a> riffed on cheap flights---specifically those that you can get in Ireland (I'm looking at you, <i>Ryanair</i>). The video below is pretty funny (and includes subtitles for the Irish-accent--impaired).
<media href="" src="" caption="Cheap Flights with subtitles" source="YouTube" author="bolikoki" class="frame" align="center">
<b>SPOILER ALERT:</b>The best line was right at the end (but it's really much better in song): <iq>And as we heard his announcement, our hearts gave a terrible thump...if you haven't prepaid to use the steps, you'll have to feckin' <i>jump</i>!</iq>
<ft>Hat-tip to <i>Kath</i>, who found it on <a href="" source="Gadling" author="Scott Carmichael" title="Video: an ode to low cost airline tickets">Video of the Day</a>.</ft>