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John Oliver's Stand-up New York City
<img attachment="screen_shot_2011-03-27_at_19.29.01_.png" align="left" class="frame">How did I not know that John Oliver had his own show on Comedy Central? It's apparently a show where he does stand-up comedy of his own---at which he is flat-out brilliant---and includes bits from some other very talented people. He had a special last year as well, called <a href="" source="Comedy Central">Terrifying Times</a> (the link takes you to clips from that show).
Below is a video in which he tells the story of a man who rushes to catch a subway train. Oliver is a natural-born storyteller; it's definitely worth the four minutes.
Looks like I've got a backlog of 90 videos from the first season to watch...
<media src="" caption="Creative Thinking (4:05)" href="" author="John Oliver" source="Comedy Central" align="center" class="frame">