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Street Fliers
<a href="" source="happy Place">7 more of the world's most brilliantly pointless street flyers</a>. Some are pretty original; some are kinda mean; some are kinda lame.
I laughed at these:
<img src="{att_link}street_flier_haveyouseenthisbird.jpeg" href="{att_link}street_flier_haveyouseenthisbird.jpeg" class="frame" caption="Have you seen this bird? Because they are everywhere." scale="50%">
<img src="{att_link}streetflier_4e4c265e21d0b.jpg" href="{att_link}streetflier_4e4c265e21d0b.jpg" class="frame" caption="I finished this Garfield puzzle" scale="50%">
<img src="{att_link}streetflier_4e7266d8883ee.jpg" href="{att_link}streetflier_4e7266d8883ee.jpg" class="frame" caption="Reward for Eddie" scale="50%">
The detail is too good not to be true:
<bq>Black manx, white markings on belly. no tail. Six years old. Red collar w/tags. Overweight. Mews all day / night demanding attention. Won't stay off countertops. Eats directly from unattended plates, knocks glasses/bottles/vases onto floor. Various expensive ailments. Doesn't do tricks or anything of interest.</bq>
<img src="{att_link}streetflier_4ec0833ca4e2d.jpg" href="{att_link}streetflier_4ec0833ca4e2d.jpg" class="frame" caption="Don't Call. Don't make it weird." scale="30%">
<img src="{att_link}streetflier_takeonlytheprimes.jpeg" href="{att_link}streetflier_takeonlytheprimes.jpeg" class="frame" caption="Take only the primes." scale="50%">
I'm itching to rip off the "9".