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Class - Wednesday August 7, 2002
165 jumping jacks (15 x 11 people)
110 knee bends (10 x 11 people)
35 regular crunches
35 bicycles
25 jack-knives (bring arms and legs up in a crunch)
15 squat thrusts
25 regular pushups
25 wide pushups
10 clap pushups
Front hand education - double straight lead, straight lead to backfist, straight lead to hook, straight lead to uppercut
Front leg kicks - front kick, hook kick, side kick, inverted hook kick
Hand to foot drills - straight lead to front, hook and inverted kicks
Foot to hand drills - front, hook and inverted to straight lead
Opponent comes with straight lead, snap away
Opponent comes with straight lead (left lead), standing side kick interception
Opponent comes with straight lead (left lead), 4 corner or interception
Pak Sau drill