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Class - Friday August 9, 2002


<h>Warmups</h><ol> 50 jumping jacks 10 squat thrusts with 5 pushups in the middle of each 8 small jumps, hop 3 times (off the ground), then hop once rotating 90° counterclockwise (2 full revolutions) jump side-to-side over a kicking shield - 45 seconds 30 regular pushups 30 wide pushups </ol><h>Glove Drills</h><ol> Jab for jab (You jab, opponent jabs, you jab, opponent hits with *) - passive avoidance: curve, intercept, low straight, snap away Jab for jab - low straight only on second jab Jab for jab - catch the second jab, cut punch the ensuing cross Jab for jab - catch the second jab, intercept ensuing lead hook </ol><h>Grappling Drills</h><ol> Staying in guard - let opponent move around, maintain guard (without cheating), if opponent hits to right ribs with left hand, shoot to the left with the hips and lock right elbow to right thigh to close out. Immobilize from guard, if opponent's left hand is down on ground, shoot right arm around neck, locking elbow close to head, fold left arm over right hand on the bicep, place left hand behind own head (on bulge) and squeeze. This is a blood choke. Again from guard, something involving getting the opponent's arms across you inner thigh or stomach with legs locked around neck, lean back to apply pressure, make sure to work against the elbow (hand should be turned up or to the left if pulling to the right into the right inner thigh) JKD grappling - bring up hands to eyes, roll wrist on bridge of nose, roll forehead into nose, arm on throat, pinch inner thighs or kidneys </ol>