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Encodo’s configuration library for Quino: part III

Published by marco on

 This discussion about configuration spans three articles:

  1. part I discusses the history of the configuration system in Quino as well as a handful of principles we kept in mind while designing the new system
  2. part II discusses the basic architectural changes and compares an example from the old configuration system to the new.
  3. part III takes a look at configuring the “execution order”—the actions to execute during application startup and shutdown


Registering with an IOC is all well and good, but something has to make calls into the IOC to get the ball rolling.

Something has to actually make calls into the IOC to get the ball rolling.

Even service applications—which start up quickly and wait for requests to do most of their work—have basic operations to execute before declaring themselves ready.

Things can get complex when starting up registered components and performing basic checks and non-IOC configuration.

  • In which order are the components and configuration elements executed?
  • How do you indicate dependencies?
  • How can an application replace a piece of the standard startup?
  • What kind of startup components are there?

Part of the complexity of configuration and startup is that developers quickly forget all of the things that they’ve come to expect from a mature product and start from zero again with each application. Encodo and Quino applications take advantage of prior work to include standard behavior for a lot of common situations.

Configuration Patterns

Some components can be configured once and directly by calling a method like UseMetaTranslations(string filePath), which includes all of the configuration options directly in the composition call. This pattern is perfect for options that are used only by one action or that it wouldn’t make sense to override in a subsequent action.

So, for simple actions, an application can just replace the existing action with its own, custom action. In the example above, an application for which translations had already been configured would just call UseMetaTranslations() again in order to override that behavior with its own.

Most application will replace standard actions or customize standard settings

Some components, however, will want to expose settings that can be customized by actions before they are used to initialize the component.

For example, there is an action called SetUpLoggingAction, which configures logging for the application. This action uses IFileLogSettings and IEventLogSettings objects from the IOC during execution to determine which types of logging to configure.

An application is, of course, free to replace the entire SetUpLoggingAction action with its own, completely custom behavior. However, an application that just wanted to change the log-file behavior or turn on event-logging could use the Configure<TService>() method[1], as shown below.

  s => s.Behavior = LogFileBehavior.MultipleFiles
  s => s.Enabled = true


A Quino application object has a list of StartupActions and a list of ShutdownActions. Most standard middleware methods register objects with the IOC and add one or more actions to configure those objects during application startup.

Actions have existed for quite a while in Quino. In Quino 2, they have been considerably simplified and streamlined to the point where all but a handful are little more than a functional interface[2].

The list below will give you an idea of the kind of configuration actions we’re talking about.

  • Load configuration data
  • Process command line
  • Set up logging
  • Upgrade settings/configuration (e.g. silent upgrade)
  • Log a header (e.g. user/date/file locations/etc.; for console apps. this might be mirrored to the console)
  • Load plugins
  • Set up standard locations (e.g. file-system locations)

For installed/desktop/mobile applications, there’s also:

  • Initialize UI components
  • Provide loading feedback
  • Check/manage multiple running instances
  • Check software update
  • Login/authentication

Quino applications also have actions to configure metadata:

  • Configure expression engine
  • Load metadata
  • Load metadata-overlays
  • Validate metadata
  • Check data-provider connections
  • Check/migrate schema
  • Generate default data

Application shutdown has a smaller set of vital cleanup chores that:

  • dispose of connection managers and other open resources
  • write out to the log, flush it and close it
  • show final feedback to the user

Anatomy of an Action

The following example[3] is for the 1.x version of the relatively simple ConfigureDisplayLanguageAction.

public class ConfigureDisplayLanguageAction<TApplication> 
  : ApplicationActionBase<TApplication>
  where TApplication : ICoreApplication
  public ConfigureDisplayLanguageAction()
    : base(CoreActionNames.ConfigureDisplayLanguage)

  protected override int DoExecute(
    TApplication application, ConfigurationOptions options, int currentResult)
    // Configuration code…

What is wrong with this startup action? The following list illustrates the main points, each of which is addressed in more detail in its own section further below.

  • The ConfigurationOptions parameter introduces an unnecessary layer of complexity
  • The generic parameter TApplication complicates declaration, instantiation and extension methods that use the action
  • The int return type along with the currentResult parameter are a bad way of controlling flow.

The same startup action in Quino 2.x has the following changes from the Quino 1.x version above (legend: additions; deletions).

public class ConfigureDisplayLanguageAction<TApplication>
  : ApplicationActionBase<TApplication>
  where TApplication : ICoreApplication
  public ConfigureDisplayLanguageAction()
    : base(CoreActionNames.ConfigureDisplayLanguage)

  publicprotected override void int DoExecute(
    TApplication application, ConfigurationOptions options, int currentResult)
    // Configuration code…

As you can see, quite a bit of code and declaration text was removed, all without sacrificing any functionality. The final form is quite simple, inheriting from a simple base class that manages the name of the action and overrides a single parameter-less method. It is now much easier to see what an action does and the barrier to entry for customization is much lower.

public class ConfigureDisplayLanguageAction : ApplicationActionBase
  public ConfigureDisplayLanguageAction()
    : base(CoreActionNames.ConfigureDisplayLanguage)

  public override void Execute()
    // Configuration code…

In the following sections, we’ll take a look at each of the problems indicated above in more detail.

Remove the ConfigurationOptions parameter

These options are a simple enumeration with values like Client, Testing, Service and so on. They were used only by a handful of standard actions.

These options made it more difficult to decide how to implement the action for a given task. If two tasks were completely different, then a developer would know to create two separate actions. However, if two tasks were similar, but could be executed differently depending on application type (e.g. testing vs. client), then the developer could still have used two separate actions, but could also have used the configuration options. Multiple ways of doing the exact same thing is all kinds of bad.

Multiple ways of doing the exact same thing is all kinds of bad.

Parameters like this conflict conceptually with the idea of using composition to build an application. To keep things simple, Quino applications should be configured exclusively by composition. Composing an application with service registrations and startup actions and then passing options to the startup introduced an unneeded level of complexity.

Instead, an application now defines a separate action for each set of options. For example, most applications will need to set up the display language to use—be it for a GUI, a command-line or just to log messages in the correct language. For that, the application can add a ConfigureDisplayLanguageAction to the startup actions or call the standard method UseCore(). Desktop or single-user applications can use the ConfigureGlobalDisplayLanguageAction or call UseGlobalCore() to make sure that global language resources are also configured.

Remove the TApplication generic parameter

The generic parameter to this interface complicates the IApplication<TApplication> interface and causes no end of trouble in MetaApplication, which actually inherits from IApplication<IMetaApplication> for historical reasons.

There is no need to maintain statelessness for a single-use object.

Originally, this parameter guaranteed that an action could be stateless. However, each action object is attached to exactly one application (in the IApplication<TApplication>.StartupActions list. So the action that is attached to an application is technically stateless, and a completely different application than the one to which the action is attached could be passed to the IApplcationAction.Execute…which makes no sense whatsoever.

Luckily, this never happens, and only the application to which the action is attached is passed to that method. If that’s the case, though, why not just create the action with the application as a constructor parameter when the action is added to the StartupActions list? There is no need to maintain statelessness for a single-use object.

This way, there is no generic parameter for the IApplication interface, all of the extension methods are much simpler and applications are free to create custom actions that work with descendants of IApplication simply by requiring that type in the constructor parameter.

Debugging is important

A global exception handler is terrible for debugging

The original startup avoided exceptions, preferring an integer return result instead.

In release mode, a global exception handler is active and is there to help the application exit more or less smoothly—e.g. by logging the error, closing resources where possible, and so on.

A global exception handler is terrible for debugging, though. For exceptions that are caught, the default behavior of the debugger is to stop where the exception is caught rather than where it is thrown. Instead, you want exceptions raised by your application to to stop the debugger from where they are thrown.

So that’s part of the reason why the startup and shutdown in 1.x used return codes rather than exceptions.

Multiple valid code paths

The other reason Quino used result codes is that most non-trivial applications actually have multiple paths through which they could successfully run.

Exactly which path the application should take depends on startup conditions, parameters and so on. Some common examples are:

  • Show command-line help
  • Migrate an application schema
  • Import, export or generate data

To show command-line help, an application execute its startup actions in order. It reaches the action that checks whether the user requested command-line help. This action processes the request, displays that help and then wants to smoothly exit the application. The “main” path—perhaps showing the user a desktop application—should no longer be executed.

Non-trivial applications have multiple valid run profiles.

Similarly, the action that checks the database schema determines that the schema in the data provider doesn’t match the model. In this case, it would like to offer the user (usually a developer) the option to update the schema. Once the schema is updated, though, startup should be restarted from the beginning, trying again to run the main path.

Use exceptions to indicate errors

Whereas the Quino 1.x startup addressed the design requirements above with return codes, this imposes an undue burden on implementors. There was also confusion as to when it was OK to actually throw an exception rather than returning a special code.

Instead, the Quino 2.x startup always uses exceptions to indicate errors. There are a few special types of exceptions recognized by the startup code that can indicate whether the application should silently—and successfully—exit or whether the startup should be attempted again.


There is of course more detail into which we could go on much of what we discussed in these three articles, but that should suffice for an overview of the Quino configuration library.

[1] If C# had them, that it is. See Java 8 for an explanation of what they are.
[2] This pattern is echoed in the latest beta of the ASP.NET libraries, as described in the article Strongly typed routing for ASP.NET MVC 6 with IApplicationModelConvention.
[3] Please note that formatting for the code examples has been adjusted to reduce horizontal space. The formatting does not conform to the Encodo C# Handbook.