Annie’s Buttermilk Pie
kar116s –
From the kitchen of Ann Watkins
A delicious custard pie we enjoyed growing up
Green tomato Mincemeat filling
mephit –
From the kitchen of ?
Sweet, spicy, juicy, a touch tart. Use 4 cups in a whole wheat pie crust for a delicious treat. This will debut at Thanksgiving 2005. Cant wait!
Tarte Tatin
karin –
From the kitchen of Karin
Exclusive french pear tarte!
Easy, tasty and très chic!
Apple Gugelhopf from Siebenbürgen
karin –
From the kitchen of Karin
Non-diet, soft, juicy dream!
(Siebenbürgen is a county in Germany near Hungary).
Karen’s Pie Crust
kar116s –
From the kitchen of Karen
Flakey,tender and delicious
Good every time
Never Fail